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Source code for kivy.lib.ddsfile

DDS File library

This library can be used to parse and save DDS
(`DirectDraw Surface <>`)

The initial version was written by::

    Alexey Borzenkov (

All the initial work credits go to him! Thank you :)

This version uses structs instead of ctypes.

DDS Format


    [DDS ][SurfaceDesc][Data]

    [SurfaceDesc]:: (everything is uint32)
        Reserved1 * 11
            Reserved1 * 2

.. warning::

    This is an external library and Kivy does not provide any support for it.
    It might change in the future and we advise you don't rely on it in your

# ruff: noqa

from struct import pack, unpack, calcsize

DDSD_CAPS                  = 0x00000001
DDSD_HEIGHT                = 0x00000002
DDSD_WIDTH                 = 0x00000004
DDSD_PITCH                 = 0x00000008
DDSD_PIXELFORMAT           = 0x00001000
DDSD_MIPMAPCOUNT           = 0x00020000
DDSD_LINEARSIZE            = 0x00080000
DDSD_DEPTH                 = 0x00800000

DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS           = 0x00000001
DDPF_FOURCC                = 0x00000004
DDPF_RGB                   = 0x00000040
DDPF_LUMINANCE             = 0x00020000

# DDSCAPS2 dwCaps1
DDSCAPS_COMPLEX            = 0x00000008
DDSCAPS_TEXTURE            = 0x00001000
DDSCAPS_MIPMAP             = 0x00400000

# DDSCAPS2 dwCaps2
DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP           = 0x00000200
DDSCAPS2_VOLUME            = 0x00200000

# Common FOURCC codes
DDS_DXTN = 0x00545844
DDS_DXT1 = 0x31545844
DDS_DXT2 = 0x32545844
DDS_DXT3 = 0x33545844
DDS_DXT4 = 0x34545844
DDS_DXT5 = 0x35545844

def dxt_to_str(dxt):
    if dxt == DDS_DXT1:
        return 's3tc_dxt1'
    elif dxt == DDS_DXT2:
        return 's3tc_dxt2'
    elif dxt == DDS_DXT3:
        return 's3tc_dxt3'
    elif dxt == DDS_DXT4:
        return 's3tc_dxt4'
    elif dxt == DDS_DXT5:
        return 's3tc_dxt5'
    elif dxt == 0:
        return 'rgba'
    elif dxt == 1:
        return 'alpha'
    elif dxt == 2:
        return 'luminance'
    elif dxt == 3:
        return 'luminance_alpha'

def str_to_dxt(dxt):
    if dxt == 's3tc_dxt1':
        return DDS_DXT1
    if dxt == 's3tc_dxt2':
        return DDS_DXT2
    if dxt == 's3tc_dxt3':
        return DDS_DXT3
    if dxt == 's3tc_dxt4':
        return DDS_DXT4
    if dxt == 's3tc_dxt5':
        return DDS_DXT5
    if dxt == 'rgba':
        return 0
    if dxt == 'alpha':
        return 1
    if dxt == 'luminance':
        return 2
    if dxt == 'luminance_alpha':
        return 3

def align_value(val, b):
    return val + (-val % b)

def check_flags(val, fl):
    return (val & fl) == fl

def dxt_size(w, h, dxt):
    w = max(1, w // 4)
    h = max(1, h // 4)
    if dxt == DDS_DXT1:
        return w * h * 8
    elif dxt in (DDS_DXT2, DDS_DXT3, DDS_DXT4, DDS_DXT5):
        return w * h * 16
    return -1

[docs]class QueryDict(dict): def __getattr__(self, attr): try: return self.__getitem__(attr) except KeyError: try: return super(QueryDict, self).__getattr__(attr) except AttributeError: raise KeyError(attr) def __setattr__(self, attr, value): self.__setitem__(attr, value)
[docs]class DDSException(Exception): pass
class DDSFile(object): fields = ( ('size', 0), ('flags', 1), ('height', 2), ('width', 3), ('pitchOrLinearSize', 4), ('depth', 5), ('mipmapCount', 6), ('pf_size', 18), ('pf_flags', 19), ('pf_fourcc', 20), ('pf_rgbBitCount', 21), ('pf_rBitMask', 22), ('pf_gBitMask', 23), ('pf_bBitMask', 24), ('pf_aBitMask', 25), ('caps1', 26), ('caps2', 27)) def __init__(self, filename=None): super(DDSFile, self).__init__() self._dxt = 0 self._fmt = None self.meta = meta = QueryDict() self.count = 0 self.images = [] self.images_size = [] for field, index in DDSFile.fields: meta[field] = 0 if filename: self.load(filename) def load(self, filename): self.filename = filename with open(filename, 'rb') as fd: data = if data[:4] != b'DDS ': raise DDSException('Invalid magic header {}'.format(data[:4])) # read header fmt = 'I' * 31 fmt_size = calcsize(fmt) pf_size = calcsize('I' * 8) header, data = data[4:4+fmt_size], data[4+fmt_size:] if len(header) != fmt_size: raise DDSException('Truncated header in') # depack header = unpack(fmt, header) meta = self.meta for name, index in DDSFile.fields: meta[name] = header[index] # check header validity if meta.size != fmt_size: raise DDSException('Invalid header size (%d instead of %d)' % (meta.size, fmt_size)) if meta.pf_size != pf_size: raise DDSException('Invalid pixelformat size (%d instead of %d)' % (meta.pf_size, pf_size)) if not check_flags(meta.flags, DDSD_CAPS | DDSD_PIXELFORMAT | DDSD_WIDTH | DDSD_HEIGHT): raise DDSException('Not enough flags') if not check_flags(meta.caps1, DDSCAPS_TEXTURE): raise DDSException('Not a DDS texture') self.count = 1 if check_flags(meta.flags, DDSD_MIPMAPCOUNT): if not check_flags(meta.caps1, DDSCAPS_COMPLEX | DDSCAPS_MIPMAP): raise DDSException('Invalid mipmap without flags') self.count = meta.mipmapCount hasrgb = check_flags(meta.pf_flags, DDPF_RGB) hasalpha = check_flags(meta.pf_flags, DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS) hasluminance = check_flags(meta.pf_flags, DDPF_LUMINANCE) bpp = None dxt = block = pitch = 0 if hasrgb or hasalpha or hasluminance: bpp = meta.pf_rgbBitCount if hasrgb and hasluminance: raise DDSException('File have RGB and Luminance') if hasrgb: dxt = 0 elif hasalpha and not hasluminance: dxt = 1 elif hasluminance and not hasalpha: dxt = 2 elif hasalpha and hasluminance: dxt = 3 elif check_flags(meta.pf_flags, DDPF_FOURCC): dxt = meta.pf_fourcc if dxt not in (DDS_DXT1, DDS_DXT2, DDS_DXT3, DDS_DXT4, DDS_DXT5): raise DDSException('Unsupported FOURCC') else: raise DDSException('Unsupported format specified') if bpp: block = align_value(bpp, 8) // 8 pitch = align_value(block * meta.width, 4) if check_flags(meta.flags, DDSD_LINEARSIZE): if dxt in (0, 1, 2, 3): size = pitch * meta.height else: size = dxt_size(meta.width, meta.height, dxt) w = meta.width h = meta.height images = self.images images_size = self.images_size for i in range(self.count): if dxt in (0, 1, 2, 3): size = align_value(block * w, 4) * h else: size = dxt_size(w, h, dxt) image, data = data[:size], data[size:] if len(image) < size: raise DDSException('Truncated image for mipmap %d' % i) images_size.append((w, h)) images.append(image) if w == 1 and h == 1: break w = max(1, w // 2) h = max(1, h // 2) if len(images) == 0: raise DDSException('No images available') if len(images) < self.count: raise DDSException('Not enough images') self._dxt = dxt def save(self, filename): if len(self.images) == 0: raise DDSException('No images to save') fields = dict(DDSFile.fields) fields_keys = list(fields.keys()) fields_index = list(fields.values()) mget = self.meta.get header = [] for idx in range(31): if idx in fields_index: value = mget(fields_keys[fields_index.index(idx)], 0) else: value = 0 header.append(value) with open(filename, 'wb') as fd: fd.write('DDS ') fd.write(pack('I' * 31, *header)) for image in self.images: fd.write(image) def add_image(self, level, bpp, fmt, width, height, data): assert bpp == 32 assert fmt in ('rgb', 'rgba', 'dxt1', 'dxt2', 'dxt3', 'dxt4', 'dxt5') assert width > 0 assert height > 0 assert level >= 0 meta = self.meta images = self.images if len(images) == 0: assert level == 0 # first image, set defaults ! for k in meta.keys(): meta[k] = 0 self._fmt = fmt meta.size = calcsize('I' * 31) meta.pf_size = calcsize('I' * 8) meta.pf_flags = 0 meta.flags = DDSD_CAPS | DDSD_PIXELFORMAT | DDSD_WIDTH | DDSD_HEIGHT meta.width = width meta.height = height meta.caps1 = DDSCAPS_TEXTURE meta.flags |= DDSD_LINEARSIZE meta.pitchOrLinearSize = len(data) meta.pf_rgbBitCount = 32 meta.pf_rBitMask = 0x00ff0000 meta.pf_gBitMask = 0x0000ff00 meta.pf_bBitMask = 0x000000ff meta.pf_aBitMask = 0xff000000 if fmt in ('rgb', 'rgba'): assert True assert bpp == 32 meta.pf_flags |= DDPF_RGB meta.pf_rgbBitCount = 32 meta.pf_rBitMask = 0x00ff0000 meta.pf_gBitMask = 0x0000ff00 meta.pf_bBitMask = 0x000000ff meta.pf_aBitMask = 0x00000000 if fmt == 'rgba': meta.pf_flags |= DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS meta.pf_aBitMask = 0xff000000 else: meta.pf_flags |= DDPF_FOURCC if fmt == 'dxt1': meta.pf_fourcc = DDS_DXT1 elif fmt == 'dxt2': meta.pf_fourcc = DDS_DXT2 elif fmt == 'dxt3': meta.pf_fourcc = DDS_DXT3 elif fmt == 'dxt4': meta.pf_fourcc = DDS_DXT4 elif fmt == 'dxt5': meta.pf_fourcc = DDS_DXT5 images.append(data) else: assert level == len(images) assert fmt == self._fmt images.append(data) meta.flags |= DDSD_MIPMAPCOUNT meta.caps1 |= DDSCAPS_COMPLEX | DDSCAPS_MIPMAP meta.mipmapCount = len(images) def __repr__(self): return '<DDSFile filename=%r size=%r dxt=%r len(images)=%r>' % ( self.filename, self.size, self.dxt, len(self.images)) def _get_size(self): meta = self.meta return meta.width, meta.height def _set_size(self, size): self.meta.update({'width': size[0], 'height': size[1]}) size = property(_get_size, _set_size) def _get_dxt(self): return dxt_to_str(self._dxt) def _set_dxt(self, dxt): self._dxt = str_to_dxt(dxt) dxt = property(_get_dxt, _set_dxt) if __name__ == '__main__': import sys if len(sys.argv) == 1: print('Usage: python <file1> <file2> ...') sys.exit(0) for filename in sys.argv[1:]: print('=== Loading', filename) try: dds = DDSFile(filename=filename) print(dds)'') except IOError as e: print('ERR>', e) except DDSException as e: print('DDS>', e)