Core classes for loading images and converting them to a
:class:`~kivy.graphics.texture.Texture`. The raw image data can be keep in
memory for further access.
.. versionchanged:: 1.11.0
Add support for argb and abgr image data
In-memory image loading
.. versionadded:: 1.9.0
Official support for in-memory loading. Not all the providers support it,
but currently SDL2, pygame, pil and imageio work.
To load an image with a filename, you would usually do::
from kivy.core.image import Image as CoreImage
im = CoreImage("image.png")
You can also load the image data directly from a memory block. Instead of
passing the filename, you'll need to pass the data as a BytesIO object
together with an "ext" parameter. Both are mandatory::
import io
from kivy.core.image import Image as CoreImage
data = io.BytesIO(open("image.png", "rb").read())
im = CoreImage(data, ext="png")
By default, the image will not be cached as our internal cache requires a
filename. If you want caching, add a filename that represents your file (it
will be used only for caching)::
import io
from kivy.core.image import Image as CoreImage
data = io.BytesIO(open("image.png", "rb").read())
im = CoreImage(data, ext="png", filename="image.png")
Saving an image
A CoreImage can be saved to a file::
from kivy.core.image import Image as CoreImage
image = CoreImage(...)
Or you can get the bytes (new in `1.11.0`):
import io
from kivy.core.image import Image as CoreImage
data = io.BytesIO()
image = CoreImage(...)
image.save(data, fmt="png")
png_bytes = data.read()
import re
from base64 import b64decode
from filetype import guess_extension
__all__ = ('Image', 'ImageLoader', 'ImageData')
from kivy.event import EventDispatcher
from kivy.core import core_register_libs
from kivy.logger import Logger
from kivy.cache import Cache
from kivy.clock import Clock
from kivy.atlas import Atlas
from kivy.resources import resource_find
from kivy.utils import platform
from kivy.compat import string_types
from kivy.setupconfig import USE_SDL2
import zipfile
from io import BytesIO
# late binding
Texture = TextureRegion = None
# register image caching only for keep_data=True
Cache.register('kv.image', timeout=60)
[docs]class ImageData(object):
'''Container for images and mipmap images.
The container will always have at least the mipmap level 0.
__slots__ = ('fmt', 'mipmaps', 'source', 'flip_vertical', 'source_image')
_supported_fmts = ('rgb', 'bgr', 'rgba', 'bgra', 'argb', 'abgr',
's3tc_dxt1', 's3tc_dxt3', 's3tc_dxt5', 'pvrtc_rgb2',
'pvrtc_rgb4', 'pvrtc_rgba2', 'pvrtc_rgba4', 'etc1_rgb8')
def __init__(self, width, height, fmt, data, source=None,
flip_vertical=True, source_image=None,
assert fmt in ImageData._supported_fmts
#: Decoded image format, one of a available texture format
self.fmt = fmt
#: Data for each mipmap.
self.mipmaps = {}
self.add_mipmap(0, width, height, data, rowlength)
#: Image source, if available
self.source = source
#: Indicate if the texture will need to be vertically flipped
self.flip_vertical = flip_vertical
# the original image, which we might need to save if it is a memoryview
self.source_image = source_image
def release_data(self):
mm = self.mipmaps
for item in mm.values():
item[2] = None
self.source_image = None
def width(self):
'''Image width in pixels.
(If the image is mipmapped, it will use the level 0)
return self.mipmaps[0][0]
def height(self):
'''Image height in pixels.
(If the image is mipmapped, it will use the level 0)
return self.mipmaps[0][1]
def data(self):
'''Image data.
(If the image is mipmapped, it will use the level 0)
return self.mipmaps[0][2]
def rowlength(self):
'''Image rowlength.
(If the image is mipmapped, it will use the level 0)
.. versionadded:: 1.9.0
return self.mipmaps[0][3]
def size(self):
'''Image (width, height) in pixels.
(If the image is mipmapped, it will use the level 0)
mm = self.mipmaps[0]
return mm[0], mm[1]
def have_mipmap(self):
return len(self.mipmaps) > 1
def __repr__(self):
return ('<ImageData width=%d height=%d fmt=%s '
'source=%r with %d images>' % (
self.width, self.height, self.fmt,
self.source, len(self.mipmaps)))
[docs] def add_mipmap(self, level, width, height, data, rowlength):
'''Add a image for a specific mipmap level.
.. versionadded:: 1.0.7
self.mipmaps[level] = [int(width), int(height), data, rowlength]
[docs] def get_mipmap(self, level):
'''Get the mipmap image at a specific level if it exists
.. versionadded:: 1.0.7
if level == 0:
return self.width, self.height, self.data, self.rowlength
assert level < len(self.mipmaps)
return self.mipmaps[level]
[docs] def iterate_mipmaps(self):
'''Iterate over all mipmap images available.
.. versionadded:: 1.0.7
mm = self.mipmaps
for x in range(len(mm)):
item = mm.get(x, None)
if item is None:
raise Exception('Invalid mipmap level, found empty one')
yield x, item[0], item[1], item[2], item[3]
class ImageLoaderBase(object):
'''Base to implement an image loader.'''
__slots__ = ('_texture', '_data', 'filename', 'keep_data',
'_mipmap', '_nocache', '_ext', '_inline')
def __init__(self, filename, **kwargs):
self._mipmap = kwargs.get('mipmap', False)
self.keep_data = kwargs.get('keep_data', False)
self._nocache = kwargs.get('nocache', False)
self._ext = kwargs.get('ext')
self._inline = kwargs.get('inline')
self.filename = filename
if self._inline:
self._data = self.load(kwargs.get('rawdata'))
self._data = self.load(filename)
self._textures = None
def load(self, filename):
'''Load an image'''
return None
def can_save(fmt, is_bytesio=False):
'''Indicate if the loader can save the Image object
.. versionchanged:: 1.11.0
Parameter `fmt` and `is_bytesio` added
return False
def can_load_memory():
'''Indicate if the loader can load an image by passing data
return False
def save(*largs, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError()
def populate(self):
self._textures = []
fname = self.filename
if __debug__:
Logger.trace('Image: %r, populate to textures (%d)' %
(fname, len(self._data)))
for count in range(len(self._data)):
# first, check if a texture with the same name already exist in the
# cache
uid = f'{fname}|{self._mipmap:d}|{count:d}'
texture = Cache.get('kv.texture', uid)
# if not create it and append to the cache
if texture is None:
imagedata = self._data[count]
source = (f"{'zip|' if fname.endswith('.zip') else ''}"
imagedata.source = f'{source}{uid}'
texture = Texture.create_from_data(
imagedata, mipmap=self._mipmap)
if not self._nocache:
Cache.append('kv.texture', uid, texture)
if imagedata.flip_vertical:
# set as our current texture
# release data if ask
if not self.keep_data:
def width(self):
'''Image width
return self._data[0].width
def height(self):
'''Image height
return self._data[0].height
def size(self):
'''Image size (width, height)
return self._data[0].width, self._data[0].height
def texture(self):
'''Get the image texture (created on the first call)
if self._textures is None:
if self._textures is None:
return None
return self._textures[0]
def textures(self):
'''Get the textures list (for mipmapped image or animated image)
.. versionadded:: 1.0.8
if self._textures is None:
return self._textures
def nocache(self):
'''Indicate if the texture will not be stored in the cache
.. versionadded:: 1.6.0
return self._nocache
class ImageLoader(object):
loaders = []
def zip_loader(filename, **kwargs):
'''Read images from an zip file.
.. versionadded:: 1.0.8
Returns an Image with a list of type ImageData stored in Image._data
# read zip in memory for faster access
_file = BytesIO(open(filename, 'rb').read())
# read all images inside the zip
z = zipfile.ZipFile(_file)
image_data = []
# sort filename list
znamelist = z.namelist()
image = None
for zfilename in znamelist:
# read file and store it in mem with fileIO struct around it
tmpfile = BytesIO(z.read(zfilename))
ext = zfilename.split('.')[-1].lower()
im = None
for loader in ImageLoader.loaders:
if (ext not in loader.extensions() or
not loader.can_load_memory()):
Logger.debug('Image%s: Load <%s> from <%s>' %
(loader.__name__[11:], zfilename, filename))
im = loader(zfilename, ext=ext, rawdata=tmpfile,
inline=True, **kwargs)
# Loader failed, continue trying.
if im is not None:
# append ImageData to local variable before its
# overwritten
image = im
# else: if not image file skip to next
Logger.warning('Image: Unable to load image'
'<%s> in zip <%s> trying to continue...'
% (zfilename, filename))
if len(image_data) == 0:
raise Exception('no images in zip <%s>' % filename)
# replace Image.Data with the array of all the images in the zip
image._data = image_data
image.filename = filename
return image
def register(defcls):
def load(filename, **kwargs):
# atlas ?
if filename[:8] == 'atlas://':
# remove the url
rfn = filename[8:]
# last field is the ID
rfn, uid = rfn.rsplit('/', 1)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError(
'Image: Invalid %s name for atlas' % filename)
# search if we already got the atlas loaded
atlas = Cache.get('kv.atlas', rfn)
# atlas already loaded, so reupload the missing texture in cache,
# because when it's not in use, the texture can be removed from the
# kv.texture cache.
if atlas:
texture = atlas[uid]
fn = f'atlas://{rfn}/{uid}'
cid = f'{fn}|0|0'
Cache.append('kv.texture', cid, texture)
return Image(texture)
# search with resource
afn = rfn
if not afn.endswith('.atlas'):
afn += '.atlas'
afn = resource_find(afn)
if not afn:
raise Exception('Unable to find %r atlas' % afn)
atlas = Atlas(afn)
Cache.append('kv.atlas', rfn, atlas)
# first time, fill our texture cache.
for nid, texture in atlas.textures.items():
fn = f'atlas://{rfn}/{nid}'
cid = f'{fn}|0|0'
Cache.append('kv.texture', cid, texture)
return Image(atlas[uid])
# extract extensions
ext = filename.split('.')[-1].lower()
# prevent url querystrings
if filename.startswith(('http://', 'https://')):
ext = ext.split('?')[0]
filename = resource_find(filename)
# Get actual image format instead of extension if possible
ext = guess_extension(filename) or ext
# special case. When we are trying to load a "zip" file with image, we
# will use the special zip_loader in ImageLoader. This might return a
# sequence of images contained in the zip.
if ext == 'zip':
return ImageLoader.zip_loader(filename)
im = None
for loader in ImageLoader.loaders:
if ext not in loader.extensions():
Logger.debug(f'Image{loader.__name__[11:]}: Load <{filename}>')
im = loader(filename, **kwargs)
if im is None:
raise Exception(f'Unknown <{ext}> type, no loader found.')
return im
[docs]class Image(EventDispatcher):
'''Load an image and store the size and texture.
.. versionchanged:: 1.0.7
`mipmap` attribute has been added. The `texture_mipmap` and
`texture_rectangle` have been deleted.
.. versionchanged:: 1.0.8
An Image widget can change its texture. A new event 'on_texture' has
been introduced. New methods for handling sequenced animation have been
`arg`: can be a string (str), Texture, BytesIO or Image object
A string path to the image file or data URI to be loaded; or a
Texture object, which will be wrapped in an Image object; or a
BytesIO object containing raw image data; or an already existing
image object, in which case, a real copy of the given image object
will be returned.
`keep_data`: bool, defaults to False
Keep the image data when the texture is created.
`mipmap`: bool, defaults to False
Create mipmap for the texture.
`anim_delay`: float, defaults to .25
Delay in seconds between each animation frame. Lower values means
faster animation.
`ext`: str, only with BytesIO `arg`
File extension to use in determining how to load raw image data.
`filename`: str, only with BytesIO `arg`
Filename to use in the image cache for raw image data.
copy_attributes = ('_size', '_filename', '_texture', '_image',
'_mipmap', '_nocache')
data_uri_re = re.compile(r'^data:image/([^;,]*)(;[^,]*)?,(.*)$')
_anim_ev = None
def __init__(self, arg, **kwargs):
# this event should be fired on animation of sequenced img's
super(Image, self).__init__()
self._mipmap = kwargs.get('mipmap', False)
self._keep_data = kwargs.get('keep_data', False)
self._nocache = kwargs.get('nocache', False)
self._size = [0, 0]
self._image = None
self._filename = None
self._texture = None
self._anim_available = False
self._anim_index = 0
self._anim_delay = 0
self.anim_delay = kwargs.get('anim_delay', .25)
# indicator of images having been loded in cache
self._iteration_done = False
if isinstance(arg, Image):
for attr in Image.copy_attributes:
self.__setattr__(attr, arg.__getattribute__(attr))
elif type(arg) in (Texture, TextureRegion):
if not hasattr(self, 'textures'):
self.textures = []
self._texture = arg
self._size = self.texture.size
elif isinstance(arg, ImageLoaderBase):
self.image = arg
elif isinstance(arg, BytesIO):
ext = kwargs.get('ext', None)
if not ext:
raise Exception('Inline loading require "ext" parameter')
filename = kwargs.get('filename')
if not filename:
self._nocache = True
filename = '__inline__'
self.load_memory(arg, ext, filename)
elif isinstance(arg, string_types):
groups = self.data_uri_re.findall(arg)
if groups:
self._nocache = True
imtype, optstr, data = groups[0]
options = [o for o in optstr.split(';') if o]
ext = imtype
isb64 = 'base64' in options
if data:
if isb64:
data = b64decode(data)
self.load_memory(BytesIO(data), ext)
self.filename = arg
raise Exception('Unable to load image type {0!r}'.format(arg))
[docs] def remove_from_cache(self):
'''Remove the Image from cache. This facilitates re-loading of
images from disk in case the image content has changed.
.. versionadded:: 1.3.0
im = CoreImage('1.jpg')
# -- do something --
im = CoreImage('1.jpg')
# this time image will be re-loaded from disk
count = 0
uid = f'{self.filename}|{self._mipmap:d}|{count:d}'
Cache.remove("kv.image", uid)
while Cache.get("kv.texture", uid):
Cache.remove("kv.texture", uid)
count += 1
uid = f'{self.filename}|{self._mipmap:d}|{count:d}'
def _anim(self, *largs):
if not self._image:
textures = self.image.textures
if self._anim_index >= len(textures):
self._anim_index = 0
self._texture = self.image.textures[self._anim_index]
self._anim_index += 1
self._anim_index %= len(self._image.textures)
[docs] def anim_reset(self, allow_anim):
'''Reset an animation if available.
.. versionadded:: 1.0.8
`allow_anim`: bool
Indicate whether the animation should restart playing or not.
# start/reset animation
# or stop the animation
You can change the animation speed whilst it is playing::
# Set to 20 FPS
image.anim_delay = 1 / 20.
# stop animation
if self._anim_ev is not None:
self._anim_ev = None
if allow_anim and self._anim_available and self._anim_delay >= 0:
self._anim_ev = Clock.schedule_interval(self._anim,
def _get_anim_delay(self):
return self._anim_delay
def _set_anim_delay(self, x):
if self._anim_delay == x:
self._anim_delay = x
if self._anim_available:
if self._anim_ev is not None:
self._anim_ev = None
if self._anim_delay >= 0:
self._anim_ev = Clock.schedule_interval(self._anim,
anim_delay = property(_get_anim_delay, _set_anim_delay)
'''Delay between each animation frame. A lower value means faster
.. versionadded:: 1.0.8
def anim_available(self):
'''Return True if this Image instance has animation available.
.. versionadded:: 1.0.8
return self._anim_available
def anim_index(self):
'''Return the index number of the image currently in the texture.
.. versionadded:: 1.0.8
return self._anim_index
def _img_iterate(self, *largs):
if not self.image or self._iteration_done:
self._iteration_done = True
imgcount = len(self.image.textures)
if imgcount > 1:
self._anim_available = True
self._texture = self.image.textures[0]
[docs] def on_texture(self, *largs):
'''This event is fired when the texture reference or content has
changed. It is normally used for sequenced images.
.. versionadded:: 1.0.8
[docs] @staticmethod
def load(filename, **kwargs):
'''Load an image
`filename`: str
Filename of the image.
`keep_data`: bool, defaults to False
Keep the image data when the texture is created.
kwargs.setdefault('keep_data', False)
return Image(filename, **kwargs)
def _get_image(self):
return self._image
def _set_image(self, image):
self._image = image
if hasattr(image, 'filename'):
self._filename = image.filename
if image:
self._size = (self.image.width, self.image.height)
image = property(_get_image, _set_image,
doc='Get/set the data image object')
def _get_filename(self):
return self._filename
def _set_filename(self, value):
if value is None or value == self._filename:
self._filename = value
# construct uid as a key for Cache
f = self.filename
uid = f'{f}|{self._mipmap:d}|0'
# in case of Image have been asked with keep_data
# check the kv.image cache instead of texture.
image = Cache.get('kv.image', uid)
if image:
# we found an image, yeah ! but reset the texture now.
self.image = image
# if image.__class__ is core image then it's a texture
# from atlas or other sources and has no data so skip
if (image.__class__ != self.__class__ and
not image.keep_data and self._keep_data):
self._filename = ''
self._texture = None
# if we already got a texture, it will be automatically reloaded.
_texture = Cache.get('kv.texture', uid)
if _texture:
self._texture = _texture
# if image not already in cache then load
tmpfilename = self._filename
image = ImageLoader.load(
self._filename, keep_data=self._keep_data,
mipmap=self._mipmap, nocache=self._nocache)
self._filename = tmpfilename
# put the image into the cache if needed
if isinstance(image, Texture):
self._texture = image
self._size = image.size
self.image = image
if not self._nocache:
Cache.append('kv.image', uid, self.image)
filename = property(_get_filename, _set_filename,
doc='Get/set the filename of image')
[docs] def load_memory(self, data, ext, filename='__inline__'):
'''(internal) Method to load an image from raw data.
self._filename = filename
# see if there is a available loader for it
loaders = [loader for loader in ImageLoader.loaders if
loader.can_load_memory() and
ext in loader.extensions()]
if not loaders:
raise Exception(f'No inline loader found to load {ext}')
image = loaders[0](filename, ext=ext, rawdata=data, inline=True,
nocache=self._nocache, mipmap=self._mipmap,
if isinstance(image, Texture):
self._texture = image
self._size = image.size
self.image = image
def size(self):
'''Image size (width, height)
return self._size
def width(self):
'''Image width
return self._size[0]
def height(self):
'''Image height
return self._size[1]
def texture(self):
'''Texture of the image'''
if self.image:
if not self._iteration_done:
return self._texture
def nocache(self):
'''Indicate whether the texture will not be stored in the cache or not.
.. versionadded:: 1.6.0
return self._nocache
[docs] def save(self, filename, flipped=False, fmt=None):
'''Save image texture to file.
The filename should have the '.png' extension because the texture data
read from the GPU is in the RGBA format. '.jpg' might work but has not
been heavily tested so some providers might break when using it.
Any other extensions are not officially supported.
The flipped parameter flips the saved image vertically, and
defaults to False.
# Save an core image object
from kivy.core.image import Image
img = Image('hello.png')
# Save a texture
texture = Texture.create(...)
img = Image(texture)
.. versionadded:: 1.7.0
.. versionchanged:: 1.8.0
Parameter `flipped` added to flip the image before saving, default
to False.
.. versionchanged:: 1.11.0
Parameter `fmt` added to force the output format of the file
Filename can now be a BytesIO object.
is_bytesio = False
if isinstance(filename, BytesIO):
is_bytesio = True
if not fmt:
raise Exception(
"You must specify a format to save into a BytesIO object")
elif fmt is None:
fmt = self._find_format_from_filename(filename)
pixels = None
size = None
loaders = [
x for x in ImageLoader.loaders
if x.can_save(fmt, is_bytesio=is_bytesio)
if not loaders:
return False
loader = loaders[0]
if self.image:
# we might have a ImageData object to use
data = self.image._data[0]
if data.data is not None:
if data.fmt in ('rgba', 'rgb'):
# fast path, use the "raw" data when keep_data is used
size = data.width, data.height
pixels = data.data
# the format is not rgba, we need to convert it.
# use texture for that.
if pixels is None and self._texture:
# use the texture pixels
size = self._texture.size
pixels = self._texture.pixels
if pixels is None:
return False
l_pixels = len(pixels)
if l_pixels == size[0] * size[1] * 3:
pixelfmt = 'rgb'
elif l_pixels == size[0] * size[1] * 4:
pixelfmt = 'rgba'
raise Exception('Unable to determine the format of the pixels')
return loader.save(
filename, size[0], size[1], pixelfmt, pixels, flipped, fmt)
def _find_format_from_filename(self, filename):
ext = filename.rsplit(".", 1)[-1].lower()
if (ext in
{'bmp', 'jpe', 'lbm', 'pcx', 'png', 'pnm', 'tga',
'tiff', 'webp', 'xcf', 'xpm', 'xv'}):
return ext
elif ext in ('jpg', 'jpeg'):
return 'jpg'
elif ext in ('b64', 'base64'):
return 'base64'
return None
[docs] def read_pixel(self, x, y):
'''For a given local x/y position, return the pixel color at that
.. warning::
This function can only be used with images loaded with the
keep_data=True keyword. For example::
m = Image.load('image.png', keep_data=True)
color = m.read_pixel(150, 150)
`x`: int
Local x coordinate of the pixel in question.
`y`: int
Local y coordinate of the pixel in question.
data = self.image._data[0]
# can't use this function without ImageData
if data.data is None:
raise EOFError('Image data is missing, make sure that image is'
'loaded with keep_data=True keyword.')
# check bounds
x, y = int(x), int(y)
if not (0 <= x < data.width and 0 <= y < data.height):
raise IndexError(f'Position ({x:d}, {y:d}) is out of range.')
assert data.fmt in ImageData._supported_fmts
size = 3 if data.fmt in ('rgb', 'bgr') else 4
index = y * data.width * size + x * size
raw = bytearray(data.data[index:index + size])
color = [c / 255.0 for c in raw]
bgr_flag = False
if data.fmt == 'argb':
color.reverse() # bgra
bgr_flag = True
elif data.fmt == 'abgr':
color.reverse() # rgba
# conversion for BGR->RGB, BGRA->RGBA format
if bgr_flag or data.fmt in ('bgr', 'bgra'):
color[0], color[2] = color[2], color[0]
return color
def load(filename):
'''Load an image'''
return Image.load(filename)
# load image loaders
image_libs = []
if platform in ('macosx', 'ios'):
image_libs += [('imageio', 'img_imageio')]
image_libs += [
('tex', 'img_tex'),
('dds', 'img_dds')]
if USE_SDL2:
image_libs += [('sdl2', 'img_sdl2')]
image_libs += [('pygame', 'img_pygame')]
image_libs += [
('ffpy', 'img_ffpyplayer'),
('pil', 'img_pil')]
libs_loaded = core_register_libs('image', image_libs)
from os import environ
if 'KIVY_DOC' not in environ and not libs_loaded:
import sys
Logger.critical('App: Unable to get any Image provider, abort.')
# resolve binding.
from kivy.graphics.texture import Texture, TextureRegion