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New in version 1.5.0.


The Splitter is a widget that helps you re-size its child widget/layout by letting you re-size it via dragging the boundary or double tapping the boundary. This widget is similar to the ScrollView in that it allows only one child widget.


splitter = Splitter(sizable_from = 'right')
splitter.min_size = 100
splitter.max_size = 250

To change the size of the strip/border used for resizing:

splitter.strip_size = '10pt'

To change its appearance:

splitter.strip_cls = your_custom_class

You can also change the appearance of the strip_cls, which defaults to SplitterStrip, by overriding the kv rule in your app:

    horizontal: True if self.parent and self.parent.sizable_from[0] in ('t', 'b') else False
    background_normal: 'path to normal horizontal image' if self.horizontal else 'path to vertical normal image'
    background_down: 'path to pressed horizontal image' if self.horizontal else 'path to vertical pressed image'
class kivy.uix.splitter.Splitter(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout

See module documentation.


Fired when the splitter is pressed.


Fired when the splitter is released.

Changed in version 1.6.0: Added on_press and on_release events.

add_widget(widget, index=0)[source]

Add a new widget as a child of this widget.

widget: Widget

Widget to add to our list of children.

index: int, defaults to 0

Index to insert the widget in the list. Notice that the default of 0 means the widget is inserted at the beginning of the list and will thus be drawn on top of other sibling widgets. For a full discussion of the index and widget hierarchy, please see the Widgets Programming Guide.

New in version 1.0.5.

canvas: str, defaults to None

Canvas to add widget’s canvas to. Can be ‘before’, ‘after’ or None for the default canvas.

New in version 1.9.0.

>>> from kivy.uix.button import Button
>>> from kivy.uix.slider import Slider
>>> root = Widget()
>>> root.add_widget(Button())
>>> slider = Slider()
>>> root.add_widget(slider)

Border used for the BorderImage graphics instruction.

This must be a list of four values: (bottom, right, top, left). Read the BorderImage instructions for more information about how to use it.

border is a ListProperty and defaults to (4, 4, 4, 4).


Remove all (or the specified) children of this widget. If the ‘children’ argument is specified, it should be a list (or filtered list) of children of the current widget.

Changed in version 1.8.0: The children argument can be used to specify the children you want to remove.


If True, will limit the splitter to stay within its parent widget.

keep_within_parent is a BooleanProperty and defaults to False.

New in version 1.9.0.


Specifies the maximum size beyond which the widget is not resizable.

max_size is a NumericProperty and defaults to 500pt.


Specifies the minimum size beyond which the widget is not resizable.

min_size is a NumericProperty and defaults to 100pt.

remove_widget(widget, *largs)[source]

Remove a widget from the children of this widget.

widget: Widget

Widget to remove from our children list.

>>> from kivy.uix.button import Button
>>> root = Widget()
>>> button = Button()
>>> root.add_widget(button)
>>> root.remove_widget(button)

If True, will automatically change size to take up the same proportion of the parent widget when it is resized, while staying within min_size and max_size. As long as these attributes can be satisfied, this stops the Splitter from exceeding the parent size during rescaling.

rescale_with_parent is a BooleanProperty and defaults to False.

New in version 1.9.0.


Specifies whether the widget is resizable. Options are: left, right, top or bottom

sizable_from is an OptionProperty and defaults to left.


Specifies the class of the resize Strip.

strip_cls is an and defaults to SplitterStrip, which is of type Button.

Changed in version 1.8.0: If you set a string, the Factory will be used to resolve the class.


Specifies the size of resize strip

strp_size is a NumericProperty defaults to 10pt