
Quick search

Table Of Contents

Source code for kivy.resources

Resources management

Resource management can be a pain if you have multiple paths and projects.
Kivy offers 2 functions for searching for specific resources across a list
of paths.

Resource lookup

When Kivy looks for a resource e.g. an image or a kv file, it searches through
a predetermined set of folders. You can modify this folder list using the
:meth:`resource_add_path` and :meth:`resource_remove_path` functions.

Customizing Kivy

These functions can also be helpful if you want to replace standard Kivy
resources with your own. For example, if you wish to customize or re-style
Kivy, you can force your *style.kv* or *data/defaulttheme-0.png* files to be
used in preference to the defaults simply by adding the path to your preferred
alternatives via the :meth:`resource_add_path` method.

As almost all Kivy resources are looked up using the :meth:`resource_find`, so
you can use this approach to add fonts and keyboard layouts and to replace
images and icons.


__all__ = ('resource_find', 'resource_add_path', 'resource_remove_path')

from os.path import join, dirname, exists, abspath
from kivy import kivy_data_dir
from kivy.utils import platform
from kivy.logger import Logger
import sys
import kivy

resource_paths = ['.', dirname(sys.argv[0])]
if platform == 'ios':
    resource_paths += [join(dirname(sys.argv[0]), 'YourApp')]
resource_paths += [dirname(kivy.__file__), join(kivy_data_dir, '..')]

[docs]def resource_find(filename): '''Search for a resource in the list of paths. Use resource_add_path to add a custom path to the search. ''' if not filename: return if filename[:8] == 'atlas://': return filename if exists(abspath(filename)): return abspath(filename) for path in reversed(resource_paths): output = abspath(join(path, filename)) if exists(output): return output if filename[:5] == 'data:': return filename
[docs]def resource_add_path(path): '''Add a custom path to search in. ''' if path in resource_paths: return Logger.debug('Resource: add <%s> in path list' % path) resource_paths.append(path)
[docs]def resource_remove_path(path): '''Remove a search path. .. versionadded:: 1.0.8 ''' if path not in resource_paths: return Logger.debug('Resource: remove <%s> from path list' % path) resource_paths.remove(path)