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Source code for kivy.config

Configuration object

The :class:`Config` object is an instance of a modified Python ConfigParser.
See the `ConfigParser documentation
<>`_ for more information.

Kivy has a configuration file which determines the default settings. In
order to change these settings, you can alter this file manually or use
the Config object. Please see the :ref:`Configure Kivy` section for more

Applying configurations

Configuration options control the initialization of the :class:``.
In order to avoid situations where the config settings do not work or are not
applied before window creation (like setting an initial window size),
:meth:`Config.set <kivy.config.ConfigParser.set>` should be used before
importing any other Kivy modules. Ideally, this means setting them right at
the start of your script.

Alternatively, you can save these settings permanently using
:meth:`Config.set <ConfigParser.set>` then
:meth:`Config.write <ConfigParser.write>`. In this case, you will need to
restart the app for the changes to take effect. Note that this approach will
effect all Kivy apps system wide.

Please note that no underscores (`_`) are allowed in the section name.

Usage of the Config object

To read a configuration token from a particular section::

    >>> from kivy.config import Config
    >>> Config.getint('kivy', 'show_fps')

Change the configuration and save it::

    >>> Config.set('postproc', 'retain_time', '50')
    >>> Config.write()

For information on configuring your :class:``, please see the
:ref:`Application configuration` section.

.. versionchanged:: 1.7.1
    The ConfigParser should work correctly with utf-8 now. The values are
    converted from ascii to unicode only when needed. The method get() returns
    utf-8 strings.

Changing configuration with environment variables

Since 1.11.0, it is now possible to change the configuration using
environment variables. They take precedence on the loaded config.ini.
The format is::

    KCFG_<section>_<key> = <value>

For example:

    KCFG_KIVY_LOG_LEVEL=warning ...

Or in your file before any kivy import:

    import os
    os.environ["KCFG_KIVY_LOG_LEVEL"] = "warning"

If you don't want to map any environment variables, you can disable
the behavior::

    os.environ["KIVY_NO_ENV_CONFIG"] = "1"

.. _configuration-tokens:

Available configuration tokens

.. |log_levels| replace::
    'trace', 'debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error' or 'critical'


    `default_font`: list
        Default fonts used for widgets displaying any text. It defaults to
        ['Roboto', 'data/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf',
        'data/fonts/Roboto-Italic.ttf', 'data/fonts/Roboto-Bold.ttf',
    `desktop`: int, 0 or 1
        This option controls desktop OS specific features, such as enabling
        drag-able scroll-bar in scroll views, disabling of bubbles in
        TextInput etc. 0 is disabled, 1 is enabled.
    `exit_on_escape`: int, 0 or 1
        Enables exiting kivy when escape is pressed.
        0 is disabled, 1 is enabled.
    `pause_on_minimize`: int, 0 or 1
        If set to `1`, the main loop is paused and the `on_pause` event
        is dispatched when the window is minimized. This option is intended
        for desktop use only. Defaults to `0`.
    `keyboard_layout`: string
        Identifier of the layout to use.
    `keyboard_mode`: string
        Specifies the keyboard mode to use. If can be one of the following:

        * '' - Let Kivy choose the best option for your current platform.
        * 'system' - real keyboard.
        * 'dock' - one virtual keyboard docked to a screen side.
        * 'multi' - one virtual keyboard for every widget request.
        * 'systemanddock' - virtual docked keyboard plus input from real
        * 'systemandmulti' - analogous.
    `kivy_clock`: one of `default`, `interrupt`, `free_all`, `free_only`
        The clock type to use with kivy. See :mod:`kivy.clock`.
    `log_dir`: string
        Path of log directory.
    `log_enable`: int, 0 or 1
        Activate file logging. 0 is disabled, 1 is enabled.
    `log_level`: string, one of |log_levels|
        Set the minimum log level to use.
    `log_name`: string
        Format string to use for the filename of log file.

    `log_maxfiles`: int
        Keep log_maxfiles recent logfiles while purging the log directory. Set
        'log_maxfiles' to -1 to disable logfile purging (eg keep all logfiles).

        .. note::
            You end up with 'log_maxfiles + 1' logfiles because the logger
            adds a new one after purging.

    `window_icon`: string
        Path of the window icon. Use this if you want to replace the default
        pygame icon.


    `double_tap_distance`: float
        Maximum distance allowed for a double tap, normalized inside the range
        0 - 1000.
    `double_tap_time`: int
        Time allowed for the detection of double tap, in milliseconds.
    `ignore`: list of tuples
        List of regions where new touches are ignored.
        This configuration token can be used to resolve hotspot problems
        with DIY hardware. The format of the list must be::

            ignore = [(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax), ...]

        All the values must be inside the range 0 - 1.
    `jitter_distance`: int
        Maximum distance for jitter detection, normalized inside the range 0
        - 1000.
    `jitter_ignore_devices`: string, separated with commas
        List of devices to ignore from jitter detection.
    `retain_distance`: int
        If the touch moves more than is indicated by retain_distance, it will
        not be retained. Argument should be an int between 0 and 1000.
    `retain_time`: int
        Time allowed for a retain touch, in milliseconds.
    `triple_tap_distance`: float
        Maximum distance allowed for a triple tap, normalized inside the range
        0 - 1000.
    `triple_tap_time`: int
        Time allowed for the detection of triple tap, in milliseconds.

    `borderless`: int, one of 0 or 1
        If set to `1`, removes the window border/decoration. Window resizing
        must also be disabled to hide the resizing border.
    `custom_titlebar`: int, one of 0 or 1
        If set to `1`, removes the window border and allows user to set a Widget
        as a titlebar
        see :meth:`~kivy.core.window.WindowBase.set_custom_titlebar`
        for detailed usage
    `custom_titlebar_border`: int, defaults to 5
        sets the how many pixles off the border should be used as the
        rezising frame
    `window_state`: string , one of 'visible', 'hidden', 'maximized'
                    or 'minimized'

        Sets the window state, defaults to 'visible'. This option is available
        only for the SDL2 window provider and it should be used on desktop
    `fbo`: string, one of 'hardware', 'software' or 'force-hardware'
        Selects the FBO backend to use.
    `fullscreen`: int or string, one of 0, 1, 'fake' or 'auto'
        Activate fullscreen. If set to `1`, a resolution of `width`
        times `height` pixels will be used.
        If set to `auto`, your current display's resolution will be
        used instead. This is most likely what you want.
        If you want to place the window in another display,
        use `fake`, or set the `borderless` option from the graphics section,
        then adjust `width`, `height`, `top` and `left`.
    `height`: int
        Height of the :class:`~kivy.core.window.Window`, not used if
        `fullscreen` is set to `auto`.
    `left`: int
        Left position of the :class:`~kivy.core.window.Window`.
    `maxfps`: int, defaults to 60
        Maximum FPS allowed.

        .. warning::
            Setting maxfps to 0 will lead to max CPU usage.

    'multisamples': int, defaults to 2
        Sets the `MultiSample Anti-Aliasing (MSAA)
        <>`_ level.
        Increasing this value results in smoother graphics but at the cost of
        processing time.

        .. note::
           This feature is limited by device hardware support and will have no
           effect on devices which do not support the level of MSAA requested.

    `position`: string, one of 'auto' or 'custom'
        Position of the window on your display. If `auto` is used, you have no
        control of the initial position: `top` and `left` are ignored.
    `show_cursor`: int, one of 0 or 1
        Set whether or not the cursor is shown on the window.
    `top`: int
        Top position of the :class:`~kivy.core.window.Window`.
    `resizable`: int, one of 0 or 1
        If 0, the window will have a fixed size. If 1, the window will be
    `rotation`: int, one of 0, 90, 180 or 270
        Rotation of the :class:`~kivy.core.window.Window`.
    `width`: int
        Width of the :class:`~kivy.core.window.Window`, not used if
        `fullscreen` is set to `auto`.
    `minimum_width`: int
        Minimum width to restrict the window to. (sdl2 only)
    `minimum_height`: int
        Minimum height to restrict the window to. (sdl2 only)
    `min_state_time`: float, defaults to .035
        Minimum time for widgets to display a given visual state.
        This attrib is currently used by widgets like
        :class:`~kivy.uix.dropdown.DropDown` &
        :class:`~kivy.uix.behaviors.buttonbehavior.ButtonBehavior` to
        make sure they display their current visual state for the given
    `allow_screensaver`: int, one of 0 or 1, defaults to 1
        Allow the device to show a screen saver, or to go to sleep
        on mobile devices. Only works for the sdl2 window provider.
    `vsync`: `none`, empty value, or integers
        Whether vsync is enabled, currently only used with sdl2 window.
        Possible values are `none` or empty value -- leaves it unchanged,
        ``0`` -- disables vsync, ``1`` or larger -- sets vsync interval,
        ``-1`` sets adaptive vsync. It falls back to 1 if setting to ``2+``
        or ``-1`` failed. See ``SDL_GL_SetSwapInterval``.
    `verify_gl_main_thread`: int, 1 or 0, defaults to 1
        Whether to check if code that changes any gl instructions is
        running outside the main thread and then raise an error.


    You can create new input devices using this syntax::

        # example of input provider instance
        yourid = providerid,parameters

        # example for tuio provider
        default = tuio,
        mytable = tuio,

    .. seealso::

        Check the providers in :mod:`kivy.input.providers` for the syntax to
        use inside the configuration file.


    `scroll_distance`: int
        Default value of the
        property used by the :class:`~kivy.uix.scrollview.ScrollView` widget.
        Check the widget documentation for more information.

    `scroll_friction`: float
        Default value of the
        property used by the :class:`~kivy.uix.scrollview.ScrollView` widget.
        Check the widget documentation for more information.

        .. deprecated:: 1.7.0
            Please use
            :class:`~kivy.uix.scrollview.ScrollView.effect_cls` instead.

    `scroll_timeout`: int
        Default value of the
        property used by the  :class:`~kivy.uix.scrollview.ScrollView` widget.
        Check the widget documentation for more information.

    `scroll_stoptime`: int
        Default value of the
        property used by the :class:`~kivy.uix.scrollview.ScrollView` widget.
        Check the widget documentation for more information.

        .. deprecated:: 1.7.0
            Please use
            :class:`~kivy.uix.scrollview.ScrollView.effect_cls` instead.

    `scroll_moves`: int
        Default value of the
        property used by the :class:`~kivy.uix.scrollview.ScrollView` widget.
        Check the widget documentation for more information.

        .. deprecated:: 1.7.0
            Please use
            :class:`~kivy.uix.scrollview.ScrollView.effect_cls` instead.


    You can activate modules with this syntax::

        modulename =

    Anything after the = will be passed to the module as arguments.
    Check the specific module's documentation for a list of accepted

.. versionchanged:: 2.1.0
    `vsync` has been added to the graphics section.
    `verify_gl_main_thread` has been added to the graphics section.

.. versionchanged:: 1.10.0
    `min_state_time`  and `allow_screensaver` have been added
    to the `graphics` section.
    `kivy_clock` has been added to the kivy section.
    `default_font` has beed added to the kivy section.

.. versionchanged:: 1.9.0
    `borderless` and `window_state` have been added to the graphics section.
    The `fake` setting of the `fullscreen` option has been deprecated,
    use the `borderless` option instead.
    `pause_on_minimize` has been added to the kivy section.

.. versionchanged:: 1.8.0
    `systemanddock` and `systemandmulti` has been added as possible values for
    `keyboard_mode` in the kivy section. `exit_on_escape` has been added
    to the kivy section.

.. versionchanged:: 1.2.0
    `resizable` has been added to graphics section.

.. versionchanged:: 1.1.0
    tuio no longer listens by default. Window icons are not copied to
    user directory anymore. You can still set a new window icon by using the
    ``window_icon`` config setting.

.. versionchanged:: 1.0.8
    `scroll_timeout`, `scroll_distance` and `scroll_friction` have been added.
    `list_friction`, `list_trigger_distance` and `list_friction_bound`
    have been removed. `keyboard_type` and `keyboard_layout` have been
    removed from the widget. `keyboard_mode` and `keyboard_layout` have
    been added to the kivy section.

__all__ = ('Config', 'ConfigParser')

    from ConfigParser import ConfigParser as PythonConfigParser
except ImportError:
    from configparser import RawConfigParser as PythonConfigParser
from os import environ
from os.path import exists
from kivy import kivy_config_fn
from kivy.logger import Logger, logger_config_update
from collections import OrderedDict
from kivy.utils import platform
from kivy.compat import PY2, string_types
from weakref import ref

_is_rpi = exists('/opt/vc/include/bcm_host.h')

# Version number of current configuration format

Config = None
'''The default Kivy configuration object. This is a :class:`ConfigParser`
instance with the :attr:`` set to 'kivy'.

.. code-block:: python

    Config = ConfigParser(name='kivy')


[docs]class ConfigParser(PythonConfigParser, object): '''Enhanced ConfigParser class that supports the addition of default sections and default values. By default, the kivy ConfigParser instance, :attr:`~kivy.config.Config`, is named `'kivy'` and the ConfigParser instance used by the :meth:`App.build_settings <>` method is named `'app'`. :Parameters: `name`: string The name of the instance. See :attr:`name`. Defaults to `''`. .. versionchanged:: 1.9.0 Each ConfigParser can now be :attr:`named <name>`. You can get the ConfigParser associated with a name using :meth:`get_configparser`. In addition, you can now control the config values with :class:``. .. versionadded:: 1.0.7 ''' def __init__(self, name='', **kwargs): PythonConfigParser.__init__(self, **kwargs) self._sections = OrderedDict() self.filename = None self._callbacks = [] = name
[docs] def add_callback(self, callback, section=None, key=None): '''Add a callback to be called when a specific section or key has changed. If you don't specify a section or key, it will call the callback for all section/key changes. Callbacks will receive 3 arguments: the section, key and value. .. versionadded:: 1.4.1 ''' if section is None and key is not None: raise Exception('You cannot specify a key without a section') self._callbacks.append((callback, section, key))
[docs] def remove_callback(self, callback, section=None, key=None): '''Removes a callback added with :meth:`add_callback`. :meth:`remove_callback` must be called with the same parameters as :meth:`add_callback`. Raises a `ValueError` if not found. .. versionadded:: 1.9.0 ''' self._callbacks.remove((callback, section, key))
def _do_callbacks(self, section, key, value): for callback, csection, ckey in self._callbacks: if csection is not None and csection != section: continue elif ckey is not None and ckey != key: continue callback(section, key, value)
[docs] def read(self, filename): '''Read only one filename. In contrast to the original ConfigParser of Python, this one is able to read only one file at a time. The last read file will be used for the :meth:`write` method. .. versionchanged:: 1.9.0 :meth:`read` now calls the callbacks if read changed any values. ''' if not isinstance(filename, string_types): raise Exception('Only one filename is accepted ({})'.format( string_types.__name__)) self.filename = filename # If we try to open directly the configuration file in utf-8, # we correctly get the unicode value by default. # But, when we try to save it again, all the values we didn't changed # are still unicode, and then the PythonConfigParser internal do # a str() conversion -> fail. # Instead we currently to the conversion to utf-8 when value are # "get()", but we internally store them in ascii. # with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: # self.readfp(f) old_vals = {sect: {k: v for k, v in self.items(sect)} for sect in self.sections()}, filename) # when reading new file, sections/keys are only increased, not removed f = self._do_callbacks for section in self.sections(): if section not in old_vals: # new section for k, v in self.items(section): f(section, k, v) continue old_keys = old_vals[section] for k, v in self.items(section): # just update new/changed keys if k not in old_keys or v != old_keys[k]: f(section, k, v)
[docs] def set(self, section, option, value): '''Functions similarly to PythonConfigParser's set method, except that the value is implicitly converted to a string. ''' e_value = value if not isinstance(value, string_types): # might be boolean, int, etc. e_value = str(value) ret = PythonConfigParser.set(self, section, option, e_value) self._do_callbacks(section, option, value) return ret
[docs] def setall(self, section, keyvalues): '''Sets multiple key-value pairs in a section. keyvalues should be a dictionary containing the key-value pairs to be set. ''' for key, value in keyvalues.items(): self.set(section, key, value)
[docs] def get(self, section, option, **kwargs): value = PythonConfigParser.get(self, section, option, **kwargs) if PY2: if type(value) is str: return value.decode('utf-8') return value
[docs] def setdefaults(self, section, keyvalues): '''Set multiple key-value defaults in a section. keyvalues should be a dictionary containing the new key-value defaults. ''' self.adddefaultsection(section) for key, value in keyvalues.items(): self.setdefault(section, key, value)
[docs] def setdefault(self, section, option, value): '''Set the default value for an option in the specified section. ''' if self.has_option(section, option): return self.set(section, option, value)
[docs] def getdefault(self, section, option, defaultvalue): '''Get the value of an option in the specified section. If not found, it will return the default value. ''' if not self.has_section(section): return defaultvalue if not self.has_option(section, option): return defaultvalue return self.get(section, option)
[docs] def getdefaultint(self, section, option, defaultvalue): '''Get the value of an option in the specified section. If not found, it will return the default value. The value will always be returned as an integer. .. versionadded:: 1.6.0 ''' return int(self.getdefault(section, option, defaultvalue))
[docs] def adddefaultsection(self, section): '''Add a section if the section is missing. ''' assert("_" not in section) if self.has_section(section): return self.add_section(section)
[docs] def write(self): '''Write the configuration to the last file opened using the :meth:`read` method. Return True if the write finished successfully, False otherwise. ''' if self.filename is None: return False try: with open(self.filename, 'w') as fd: PythonConfigParser.write(self, fd) except IOError: Logger.exception('Unable to write the config <%s>' % self.filename) return False return True
[docs] def update_config(self, filename, overwrite=False): '''Upgrade the configuration based on a new default config file. Overwrite any existing values if overwrite is True. ''' pcp = PythonConfigParser() confset = self.setall if overwrite else self.setdefaults for section in pcp.sections(): confset(section, dict(pcp.items(section))) self.write()
@staticmethod def _register_named_property(name, widget_ref, *largs): ''' Called by the ConfigParserProperty to register a property which was created with a config name instead of a config object. When a ConfigParser with this name is later created, the properties are then notified that this parser now exists so they can use it. If the parser already exists, the property is notified here. See :meth:``. :Parameters: `name`: a non-empty string The name of the ConfigParser that is associated with the property. See :attr:`name`. `widget_ref`: 2-tuple. The first element is a reference to the widget containing the property, the second element is the name of the property. E.g.: class House(Widget): address = ConfigParserProperty('', 'info', 'street', 'directory') Then, the first element is a ref to a House instance, and the second is `'address'`. ''' configs = ConfigParser._named_configs try: config, props = configs[name] except KeyError: configs[name] = (None, [widget_ref]) return props.append(widget_ref) if config: config = config() widget = widget_ref[0]() if config and widget: # associate this config with property[1]).set_config(config)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_configparser(name): '''Returns the :class:`ConfigParser` instance whose name is `name`, or None if not found. :Parameters: `name`: string The name of the :class:`ConfigParser` instance to return. ''' try: config = ConfigParser._named_configs[name][0] if config is not None: config = config() if config is not None: return config del ConfigParser._named_configs[name] except KeyError: return None
# keys are configparser names, values are 2-tuple of (ref(configparser), # widget_ref), where widget_ref is same as in _register_named_property _named_configs = {} _name = '' @property def name(self): ''' The name associated with this ConfigParser instance, if not `''`. Defaults to `''`. It can be safely changed dynamically or set to `''`. When a ConfigParser is given a name, that config object can be retrieved using :meth:`get_configparser`. In addition, that config instance can also be used with a :class:`` instance that set its `config` value to this name. Setting more than one ConfigParser with the same name will raise a `ValueError`. ''' return self._name @name.setter def name(self, value): old_name = self._name if value is old_name: return self._name = value configs = ConfigParser._named_configs if old_name: # disconnect this parser from previously connected props _, props = configs.get(old_name, (None, [])) for widget, prop in props: widget = widget() if widget: configs[old_name] = (None, props) if not value: return # if given new name, connect it with property that used this name try: config, props = configs[value] except KeyError: configs[value] = (ref(self), []) return if config is not None and config() is not None: raise ValueError('A parser named {} already exists'.format(value)) for widget, prop in props: widget = widget() if widget: configs[value] = (ref(self), props)
if not environ.get('KIVY_DOC_INCLUDE'): # # Read, analyse configuration file # Support upgrade of older config file versions # # Create default configuration Config = ConfigParser(name='kivy') Config.add_callback(logger_config_update, 'kivy', 'log_level') # Read config file if exist if (exists(kivy_config_fn) and 'KIVY_USE_DEFAULTCONFIG' not in environ and 'KIVY_NO_CONFIG' not in environ): try: except Exception as e: Logger.exception('Core: error while reading local' 'configuration') version = Config.getdefaultint('kivy', 'config_version', 0) # Add defaults section Config.adddefaultsection('kivy') Config.adddefaultsection('graphics') Config.adddefaultsection('input') Config.adddefaultsection('postproc') Config.adddefaultsection('widgets') Config.adddefaultsection('modules') Config.adddefaultsection('network') # Upgrade default configuration until we have the current version need_save = False if version != KIVY_CONFIG_VERSION and 'KIVY_NO_CONFIG' not in environ: Logger.warning('Config: Older configuration version detected' ' ({0} instead of {1})'.format( version, KIVY_CONFIG_VERSION)) Logger.warning('Config: Upgrading configuration in progress.') need_save = True while version < KIVY_CONFIG_VERSION: Logger.debug('Config: Upgrading from %d to %d' % (version, version + 1)) if version == 0: # log level Config.setdefault('kivy', 'keyboard_repeat_delay', '300') Config.setdefault('kivy', 'keyboard_repeat_rate', '30') Config.setdefault('kivy', 'log_dir', 'logs') Config.setdefault('kivy', 'log_enable', '1') Config.setdefault('kivy', 'log_level', 'info') Config.setdefault('kivy', 'log_name', 'kivy_%y-%m-%d_%_.txt') Config.setdefault('kivy', 'window_icon', '') # default graphics parameters Config.setdefault('graphics', 'display', '-1') Config.setdefault('graphics', 'fullscreen', 'no') Config.setdefault('graphics', 'height', '600') Config.setdefault('graphics', 'left', '0') Config.setdefault('graphics', 'maxfps', '0') Config.setdefault('graphics', 'multisamples', '2') Config.setdefault('graphics', 'position', 'auto') Config.setdefault('graphics', 'rotation', '0') Config.setdefault('graphics', 'show_cursor', '1') Config.setdefault('graphics', 'top', '0') Config.setdefault('graphics', 'width', '800') # input configuration Config.setdefault('input', 'mouse', 'mouse') # activate native input provider in configuration # from 1.0.9, don't activate mactouch by default, or app are # unusable. if platform == 'win': Config.setdefault('input', 'wm_touch', 'wm_touch') Config.setdefault('input', 'wm_pen', 'wm_pen') elif platform == 'linux': probesysfs = 'probesysfs' if _is_rpi: probesysfs += ',provider=hidinput' Config.setdefault('input', '%(name)s', probesysfs) # input postprocessing configuration Config.setdefault('postproc', 'double_tap_distance', '20') Config.setdefault('postproc', 'double_tap_time', '250') Config.setdefault('postproc', 'ignore', '[]') Config.setdefault('postproc', 'jitter_distance', '0') Config.setdefault('postproc', 'jitter_ignore_devices', 'mouse,mactouch,') Config.setdefault('postproc', 'retain_distance', '50') Config.setdefault('postproc', 'retain_time', '0') # default configuration for keyboard repetition Config.setdefault('widgets', 'keyboard_layout', 'qwerty') Config.setdefault('widgets', 'keyboard_type', '') Config.setdefault('widgets', 'list_friction', '10') Config.setdefault('widgets', 'list_friction_bound', '20') Config.setdefault('widgets', 'list_trigger_distance', '5') elif version == 1: Config.set('graphics', 'maxfps', '60') elif version == 2: # was a version to automatically copy windows icon in the user # directory, but it's now not used anymore. User can still change # the window icon by touching the config. pass elif version == 3: # add token for scrollview Config.setdefault('widgets', 'scroll_timeout', '55') Config.setdefault('widgets', 'scroll_distance', '20') Config.setdefault('widgets', 'scroll_friction', '1.') # remove old list_* token Config.remove_option('widgets', 'list_friction') Config.remove_option('widgets', 'list_friction_bound') Config.remove_option('widgets', 'list_trigger_distance') elif version == 4: Config.remove_option('widgets', 'keyboard_type') Config.remove_option('widgets', 'keyboard_layout') # add keyboard token Config.setdefault('kivy', 'keyboard_mode', '') Config.setdefault('kivy', 'keyboard_layout', 'qwerty') elif version == 5: Config.setdefault('graphics', 'resizable', '1') elif version == 6: # if the timeout is still the default value, change it Config.setdefault('widgets', 'scroll_stoptime', '300') Config.setdefault('widgets', 'scroll_moves', '5') elif version == 7: # desktop bool indicating whether to use desktop specific features is_desktop = int(platform in ('win', 'macosx', 'linux')) Config.setdefault('kivy', 'desktop', is_desktop) Config.setdefault('postproc', 'triple_tap_distance', '20') Config.setdefault('postproc', 'triple_tap_time', '375') elif version == 8: if Config.getint('widgets', 'scroll_timeout') == 55: Config.set('widgets', 'scroll_timeout', '250') elif version == 9: Config.setdefault('kivy', 'exit_on_escape', '1') elif version == 10: Config.set('graphics', 'fullscreen', '0') Config.setdefault('graphics', 'borderless', '0') elif version == 11: Config.setdefault('kivy', 'pause_on_minimize', '0') elif version == 12: Config.setdefault('graphics', 'window_state', 'visible') elif version == 13: Config.setdefault('graphics', 'minimum_width', '0') Config.setdefault('graphics', 'minimum_height', '0') elif version == 14: Config.setdefault('graphics', 'min_state_time', '.035') elif version == 15: Config.setdefault('kivy', 'kivy_clock', 'default') elif version == 16: Config.setdefault('kivy', 'default_font', [ 'Roboto', 'data/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf', 'data/fonts/Roboto-Italic.ttf', 'data/fonts/Roboto-Bold.ttf', 'data/fonts/Roboto-BoldItalic.ttf']) elif version == 17: Config.setdefault('graphics', 'allow_screensaver', '1') elif version == 18: Config.setdefault('kivy', 'log_maxfiles', '100') elif version == 19: Config.setdefault('graphics', 'shaped', '0') Config.setdefault( 'kivy', 'window_shape', 'data/images/defaultshape.png' ) elif version == 20: Config.setdefault('network', 'useragent', 'curl') elif version == 21: Config.setdefault('graphics', 'vsync', '') elif version == 22: Config.setdefault('graphics', 'verify_gl_main_thread', '1') elif version == 23: Config.setdefault('graphics', 'custom_titlebar', '0') Config.setdefault('graphics', 'custom_titlebar_border', '5') else: # for future. break # Pass to the next version version += 1 # Indicate to the Config that we've upgrade to the latest version. Config.set('kivy', 'config_version', KIVY_CONFIG_VERSION) # Now, activate log file Logger.logfile_activated = bool(Config.getint('kivy', 'log_enable')) # If no configuration exist, write the default one. if ((not exists(kivy_config_fn) or need_save) and 'KIVY_NO_CONFIG' not in environ): try: Config.filename = kivy_config_fn Config.write() except Exception as e: Logger.exception('Core: Error while saving default config file') # Load configuration from env if environ.get('KIVY_NO_ENV_CONFIG', '0') != '1': for key, value in environ.items(): if not key.startswith("KCFG_"): continue try: _, section, name = key.split("_", 2) except ValueError: Logger.warning(( "Config: Environ `{}` invalid format, " "must be KCFG_section_name").format(key)) continue # extract and check section section = section.lower() if not Config.has_section(section): Logger.warning( "Config: Environ `{}`: unknown section `{}`".format( key, section)) continue # extract and check the option name name = name.lower() sections_to_check = { "kivy", "graphics", "widgets", "postproc", "network"} if (section in sections_to_check and not Config.has_option(section, name)): Logger.warning(( "Config: Environ `{}` unknown `{}` " "option in `{}` section.").format( key, name, section)) # we don't avoid to set an unknown option, because maybe # an external modules or widgets (in garden?) may want to # save its own configuration here. Config.set(section, name, value)