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Color Picker

New in version 1.7.0.


This widget is experimental. Its use and API can change at any time until this warning is removed.


The ColorPicker widget allows a user to select a color from a chromatic wheel where pinch and zoom can be used to change the wheel’s saturation. Sliders and TextInputs are also provided for entering the RGBA/HSV/HEX values directly.


clr_picker = ColorPicker()

# To monitor changes, we can bind to color property changes
def on_color(instance, value):
    print("RGBA = ", str(value))  #  or instance.color
    print("HSV = ", str(instance.hsv))
    print("HEX = ", str(instance.hex_color))

class kivy.uix.colorpicker.ColorPicker(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: kivy.uix.relativelayout.RelativeLayout

See module documentation.


The color holds the color currently selected in rgba format.

color is a ListProperty and defaults to (1, 1, 1, 1).


Specifies the font used on the ColorPicker.

font_name is a StringProperty and defaults to ‘data/fonts/RobotoMono-Regular.ttf’.


The hex_color holds the currently selected color in hex.

hex_color is an AliasProperty and defaults to #ffffffff.


The hsv holds the color currently selected in hsv format.

hsv is a ListProperty and defaults to (1, 1, 1).


The wheel holds the color wheel.

wheel is an ObjectProperty and defaults to None.

class kivy.uix.colorpicker.ColorWheel(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: kivy.uix.widget.Widget

Chromatic wheel for the ColorPicker.

Changed in version 1.7.1: font_size, font_name and foreground_color have been removed. The sizing is now the same as others widget, based on ‘sp’. Orientation is also automatically determined according to the width/height ratio.


The Alpha value of the color currently selected.

a is a BoundedNumericProperty and can be a value from 0 to 1.


The Blue value of the color currently selected.

b is a BoundedNumericProperty and can be a value from 0 to 1.


The holds the color currently selected.

color is a ReferenceListProperty and contains a list of r, g, b, a values.


The Green value of the color currently selected.

g is a BoundedNumericProperty and can be a value from 0 to 1.


Receive a touch down event.

touch: MotionEvent class

Touch received. The touch is in parent coordinates. See relativelayout for a discussion on coordinate systems.


bool If True, the dispatching of the touch event will stop. If False, the event will continue to be dispatched to the rest of the widget tree.


Receive a touch move event. The touch is in parent coordinates.

See on_touch_down() for more information.


Receive a touch up event. The touch is in parent coordinates.

See on_touch_down() for more information.


The Red value of the color currently selected.

r is a BoundedNumericProperty and can be a value from 0 to 1. It defaults to 0.