Kivy 2.3.1 has been released!
Kivy is a community project led by professional software developers who are responsible
for developing and supporting Kivy alongside of the community. We also work for
companies that use Kivy for their professional products.
Many people have contributed to Kivy and we're always interested in growing our
community. If you want to help by doing things like writing code, improving documentation or
testing, or even if you simply want to make a donation, please do not hesitate to
contact us.
Core Developers
He became a programming expert from working in IT for years before starting with Kivy.
He's French, and founded Melting Rocks.
On Discord, he's known as @tito.
He is an Information Systems engineer. He's from France, but currently lives in the Netherlands.
On Discord, he's known as @tshirtman.
He is a freelance developer. He is from India.
On Discord, he's known as @quanon.
He is a software engineer, with a little time to make fun graphical interfaces. He lives in the UK.
On Discord, he's known as @inclement.
He is a developer using Kivy with Python to automate scientific research. He lives in the eastern USA.
On Discord, he's known as @matham.
Richard is an educational software developer (B.Sc, Hons) from South Africa. He likes being silly, meditating, music and hugging fluffy things.
On Discord, he's known as @ZenCODE.
Linux geek and open source addict, he works as a software architect and lives in Spain.
On Discord, he's known as @AndreMiras.
He is a Full Stack Developer and lives in Italy. Kivy helped him to speed up the App development process while keeping high standards.
On Discord, he's known as @m1sl6.
He is a software and electronics engineer, as well as a Gentoo & vim user, from France. He develops industrial, business and retail applications.
He's founder & CTO of Digital Factory Paris.
On Discord, he's known as @Cheaterman.
Utah Python August 2013 meeting
Speakers: Jacob Kovac
Python meeting in Utah, USA - August 2013
VideoKivy Intro and Tutorial
Speakers: Ben Rousch
GrDevDay 2013 in Grand Rapids, MI, USA. - 2 March 2013
VideoOpenGL and Python on computer and embed devices
Speakers: Mathieu Virbel
EuroPython 2012 in Florence, Italia. - 24 July 2012
VideoKivy - Python UI Library for Any OS
Speakers: Rokas Aleksiūnas
PyCon LT 2012 in Vilnius - 28 April 2012
VideoNIU en Python: Kivy
Speakers: Gabriel Pettier
La Cantine in Paris, France - 28 November 2011
Video (Starts at 2:28:00)Spaß mit Natural User Interfaces und Python
Speakers: Ernesto Rico Schmidt
PyCon DE 2011 - October 2011
SlidesQuick Multitouch Apps using Kivy and Python
Speakers: KP Singh (kpsfoo), N Chadha
PyCon India 2011 - September 2011
PyCon India 2011 Blog PostGLES2 Python framework for NUI
Speakers: Mathieu Virbel
RMLL 2011 in Strasbourg, France - 9 July 2011
SlidesLightning talk about Kivy
Speakers: Mathieu Virbel
Europython 2011 in Florence, Italia - 22 June 2011
Blog PostYou made a talk, but it's not listed here? Feel free to open a PR!
In order to encourage developers and give them an opportunity to learn more about Kivy, we
organized two contests in 2012 and 2014.
With a total of 200+ participants between the two contests, we were able to use their
feedback to improve the quality of the documentation and codebase.
Is a new contest coming soon? Follow us on Twitter to keep in touch!
Past core developers
Special thanks
Start supporting Kivy from $5
Kivy is a free and open source software and is maintained by the
Sometimes, a small contribution, could help to keep the wheel spinning flawlessly.