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Native support for HID input from the linux kernel

Support starts from 2.6.32-ubuntu, or 2.6.34.

To configure HIDInput, add this to your configuration:

# devicename = hidinput,/dev/input/eventXX
# example with Stantum MTP4.3" screen
stantum = hidinput,/dev/input/event2


You must have read access to the input event.

You can use a custom range for the X, Y and pressure values. For some drivers, the range reported is invalid. To fix that, you can add these options to the argument line:

  • invert_x : 1 to invert X axis

  • invert_y : 1 to invert Y axis

  • min_position_x : X relative minimum

  • max_position_x : X relative maximum

  • min_position_y : Y relative minimum

  • max_position_y : Y relative maximum

  • min_abs_x : X absolute minimum

  • min_abs_y : Y absolute minimum

  • max_abs_x : X absolute maximum

  • max_abs_y : Y absolute maximum

  • min_pressure : pressure minimum

  • max_pressure : pressure maximum

  • rotation : rotate the input coordinate (0, 90, 180, 270)

For example, on the Asus T101M, the touchscreen reports a range from 0-4095 for the X and Y values, but the real values are in a range from 0-32768. To correct this, you can add the following to the configuration:

t101m = hidinput,/dev/input/event7,max_position_x=32768,max_position_y=32768

New in version 1.9.1: rotation configuration token added.

class kivy.input.providers.hidinput.HIDMotionEvent(device, id, args)[source]

Bases: kivy.input.motionevent.MotionEvent


Depack args into attributes of the class