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Source code for kivy.uix.colorpicker

Color Picker

.. versionadded:: 1.7.0

.. warning::

    This widget is experimental. Its use and API can change at any time until
    this warning is removed.

.. image:: images/colorpicker.png
    :align: right

The ColorPicker widget allows a user to select a color from a chromatic
wheel where pinch and zoom can be used to change the wheel's saturation.
Sliders and TextInputs are also provided for entering the RGBA/HSV/HEX values


    clr_picker = ColorPicker()

    # To monitor changes, we can bind to color property changes
    def on_color(instance, value):
        print "RGBA = ", str(value)  #  or instance.color
        print "HSV = ", str(instance.hsv)
        print "HEX = ", str(instance.hex_color)



__all__ = ('ColorPicker', 'ColorWheel')

from kivy.uix.relativelayout import RelativeLayout
from kivy.uix.widget import Widget
from import (NumericProperty, BoundedNumericProperty,
                             ListProperty, ObjectProperty,
                             ReferenceListProperty, StringProperty,
from kivy.clock import Clock
from import Mesh, InstructionGroup, Color
from kivy.utils import get_color_from_hex, get_hex_from_color
from kivy.logger import Logger
from math import cos, sin, pi, sqrt, atan
from colorsys import rgb_to_hsv, hsv_to_rgb

def distance(pt1, pt2):
    return sqrt((pt1[0] - pt2[0]) ** 2. + (pt1[1] - pt2[1]) ** 2.)

def polar_to_rect(origin, r, theta):
    return origin[0] + r * cos(theta), origin[1] + r * sin(theta)

def rect_to_polar(origin, x, y):
    if x == origin[0]:
        if y == origin[1]:
            return (0, 0)
        elif y > origin[1]:
            return (y - origin[1], pi / 2.)
            return (origin[1] - y, 3 * pi / 2.)
    t = atan(float((y - origin[1])) / (x - origin[0]))
    if x - origin[0] < 0:
        t += pi

    if t < 0:
        t += 2 * pi

    return (distance((x, y), origin), t)

[docs]class ColorWheel(Widget): '''Chromatic wheel for the ColorPicker. .. versionchanged:: 1.7.1 `font_size`, `font_name` and `foreground_color` have been removed. The sizing is now the same as others widget, based on 'sp'. Orientation is also automatically determined according to the width/height ratio. ''' r = BoundedNumericProperty(0, min=0, max=1) '''The Red value of the color currently selected. :attr:`r` is a :class:`` and can be a value from 0 to 1. It defaults to 0. ''' g = BoundedNumericProperty(0, min=0, max=1) '''The Green value of the color currently selected. :attr:`g` is a :class:`` and can be a value from 0 to 1. ''' b = BoundedNumericProperty(0, min=0, max=1) '''The Blue value of the color currently selected. :attr:`b` is a :class:`` and can be a value from 0 to 1. ''' a = BoundedNumericProperty(0, min=0, max=1) '''The Alpha value of the color currently selected. :attr:`a` is a :class:`` and can be a value from 0 to 1. ''' color = ReferenceListProperty(r, g, b, a) '''The holds the color currently selected. :attr:`color` is a :class:`` and contains a list of `r`, `g`, `b`, `a` values. ''' _origin = ListProperty((100, 100)) _radius = NumericProperty(100) _piece_divisions = NumericProperty(10) _pieces_of_pie = NumericProperty(16) _inertia_slowdown = 1.25 _inertia_cutoff = .25 _num_touches = 0 _pinch_flag = False _hsv = ListProperty([1, 1, 1, 0]) def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(ColorWheel, self).__init__(**kwargs) pdv = self._piece_divisions self.sv_s = [(float(x) / pdv, 1) for x in range(pdv)] + [ (1, float(y) / pdv) for y in reversed(range(pdv))] def on__origin(self, instance, value): self.init_wheel(None) def on__radius(self, instance, value): self.init_wheel(None) def init_wheel(self, dt): # initialize list to hold all meshes self.canvas.clear() self.arcs = [] self.sv_idx = 0 pdv = self._piece_divisions ppie = self._pieces_of_pie for r in range(pdv): for t in range(ppie): self.arcs.append( _ColorArc( self._radius * (float(r) / float(pdv)), self._radius * (float(r + 1) / float(pdv)), 2 * pi * (float(t) / float(ppie)), 2 * pi * (float(t + 1) / float(ppie)), origin=self._origin, color=(float(t) / ppie, self.sv_s[self.sv_idx + r][0], self.sv_s[self.sv_idx + r][1], 1))) self.canvas.add(self.arcs[-1]) def recolor_wheel(self): ppie = self._pieces_of_pie for idx, segment in enumerate(self.arcs): segment.change_color( sv=self.sv_s[int(self.sv_idx + idx / ppie)]) def change_alpha(self, val): for idx, segment in enumerate(self.arcs): segment.change_color(a=val) def inertial_incr_sv_idx(self, dt): # if its already zoomed all the way out, cancel the inertial zoom if self.sv_idx == len(self.sv_s) - self._piece_divisions: return False self.sv_idx += 1 self.recolor_wheel() if dt * self._inertia_slowdown > self._inertia_cutoff: return False else: Clock.schedule_once(self.inertial_incr_sv_idx, dt * self._inertia_slowdown) def inertial_decr_sv_idx(self, dt): # if its already zoomed all the way in, cancel the inertial zoom if self.sv_idx == 0: return False self.sv_idx -= 1 self.recolor_wheel() if dt * self._inertia_slowdown > self._inertia_cutoff: return False else: Clock.schedule_once(self.inertial_decr_sv_idx, dt * self._inertia_slowdown)
[docs] def on_touch_down(self, touch): r = self._get_touch_r(touch.pos) if r > self._radius: return False # code is still set up to allow pinch to zoom, but this is # disabled for now since it was fiddly with small wheels. # Comment out these lines and adjust on_touch_move to reenable # this. if self._num_touches != 0: return False touch.grab(self) self._num_touches += 1 touch.ud['anchor_r'] = r touch.ud['orig_sv_idx'] = self.sv_idx touch.ud['orig_time'] = Clock.get_time()
[docs] def on_touch_move(self, touch): if touch.grab_current is not self: return r = self._get_touch_r(touch.pos) goal_sv_idx = (touch.ud['orig_sv_idx'] - int((r - touch.ud['anchor_r']) / (float(self._radius) / self._piece_divisions))) if ( goal_sv_idx != self.sv_idx and goal_sv_idx >= 0 and goal_sv_idx <= len(self.sv_s) - self._piece_divisions ): # this is a pinch to zoom self._pinch_flag = True self.sv_idx = goal_sv_idx self.recolor_wheel()
[docs] def on_touch_up(self, touch): if touch.grab_current is not self: return touch.ungrab(self) self._num_touches -= 1 if self._pinch_flag: if self._num_touches == 0: # user was pinching, and now both fingers are up. Return # to normal if self.sv_idx > touch.ud['orig_sv_idx']: Clock.schedule_once( self.inertial_incr_sv_idx, (Clock.get_time() - touch.ud['orig_time']) / (self.sv_idx - touch.ud['orig_sv_idx'])) if self.sv_idx < touch.ud['orig_sv_idx']: Clock.schedule_once( self.inertial_decr_sv_idx, (Clock.get_time() - touch.ud['orig_time']) / (self.sv_idx - touch.ud['orig_sv_idx'])) self._pinch_flag = False return else: # user was pinching, and at least one finger remains. We # don't want to treat the remaining fingers as touches return else: r, theta = rect_to_polar(self._origin, *touch.pos) # if touch up is outside the wheel, ignore if r >= self._radius: return # compute which ColorArc is being touched (they aren't # widgets so we don't get collide_point) and set # _hsv based on the selected ColorArc piece = int((theta / (2 * pi)) * self._pieces_of_pie) division = int((r / self._radius) * self._piece_divisions) hsva = list( self.arcs[self._pieces_of_pie * division + piece].color) self.color = list(hsv_to_rgb(*hsva[:3])) + hsva[-1:]
def _get_touch_r(self, pos): return distance(pos, self._origin)
class _ColorArc(InstructionGroup): def __init__(self, r_min, r_max, theta_min, theta_max, color=(0, 0, 1, 1), origin=(0, 0), **kwargs): super(_ColorArc, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.origin = origin self.r_min = r_min self.r_max = r_max self.theta_min = theta_min self.theta_max = theta_max self.color = color self.color_instr = Color(*color, mode='hsv') self.add(self.color_instr) self.mesh = self.get_mesh() self.add(self.mesh) def __str__(self): return "r_min: %s r_max: %s theta_min: %s theta_max: %s color: %s" % ( self.r_min, self.r_max, self.theta_min, self.theta_max, self.color ) def get_mesh(self): v = [] # first calculate the distance between endpoints of the outer # arc, so we know how many steps to use when calculating # vertices theta_step_outer = 0.1 theta = self.theta_max - self.theta_min d_outer = int(theta / theta_step_outer) theta_step_outer = theta / d_outer if self.r_min == 0: for x in range(0, d_outer, 2): v += (polar_to_rect(self.origin, self.r_max, self.theta_min + x * theta_step_outer ) * 2) v += polar_to_rect(self.origin, 0, 0) * 2 v += (polar_to_rect(self.origin, self.r_max, self.theta_min + (x + 1) * theta_step_outer ) * 2) if not d_outer & 1: # add a last point if d_outer is even v += (polar_to_rect(self.origin, self.r_max, self.theta_min + d_outer * theta_step_outer ) * 2) else: for x in range(d_outer + 1): v += (polar_to_rect(self.origin, self.r_min, self.theta_min + x * theta_step_outer ) * 2) v += (polar_to_rect(self.origin, self.r_max, self.theta_min + x * theta_step_outer ) * 2) return Mesh(vertices=v, indices=range(int(len(v) / 4)), mode='triangle_strip') def change_color(self, color=None, color_delta=None, sv=None, a=None): self.remove(self.color_instr) if color is not None: self.color = color elif color_delta is not None: self.color = [self.color[i] + color_delta[i] for i in range(4)] elif sv is not None: self.color = (self.color[0], sv[0], sv[1], self.color[3]) elif a is not None: self.color = (self.color[0], self.color[1], self.color[2], a) self.color_instr = Color(*self.color, mode='hsv') self.insert(0, self.color_instr)
[docs]class ColorPicker(RelativeLayout): ''' See module documentation. ''' font_name = StringProperty('data/fonts/RobotoMono-Regular.ttf') '''Specifies the font used on the ColorPicker. :attr:`font_name` is a :class:`` and defaults to 'data/fonts/RobotoMono-Regular.ttf'. ''' color = ListProperty((1, 1, 1, 1)) '''The :attr:`color` holds the color currently selected in rgba format. :attr:`color` is a :class:`` and defaults to (1, 1, 1, 1). ''' def _get_hsv(self): return rgb_to_hsv(*self.color[:3]) def _set_hsv(self, value): if self._updating_clr: return self.set_color(value) hsv = AliasProperty(_get_hsv, _set_hsv, bind=('color', )) '''The :attr:`hsv` holds the color currently selected in hsv format. :attr:`hsv` is a :class:`` and defaults to (1, 1, 1). ''' def _get_hex(self): return get_hex_from_color(self.color) def _set_hex(self, value): if self._updating_clr: return self.set_color(get_color_from_hex(value)[:4]) hex_color = AliasProperty(_get_hex, _set_hex, bind=('color',), cache=True) '''The :attr:`hex_color` holds the currently selected color in hex. :attr:`hex_color` is an :class:`` and defaults to `#ffffffff`. ''' wheel = ObjectProperty(None) '''The :attr:`wheel` holds the color wheel. :attr:`wheel` is an :class:`` and defaults to None. ''' _update_clr_ev = _update_hex_ev = None # now used only internally. foreground_color = ListProperty((1, 1, 1, 1)) def _trigger_update_clr(self, mode, clr_idx, text): if self._updating_clr: return self._updating_clr = True self._upd_clr_list = mode, clr_idx, text ev = self._update_clr_ev if ev is None: ev = self._update_clr_ev = Clock.create_trigger(self._update_clr) ev() def _update_clr(self, dt): # to prevent interaction between hsv/rgba, we work internaly using rgba mode, clr_idx, text = self._upd_clr_list try: text = min(255, max(0, float(text))) if mode == 'rgb': self.color[clr_idx] = float(text) / 255. else: hsv = list(self.hsv[:]) hsv[clr_idx] = float(text) / 255. self.color[:3] = hsv_to_rgb(*hsv) except ValueError: Logger.warning('ColorPicker: invalid value : {}'.format(text)) finally: self._updating_clr = False def _update_hex(self, dt): try: if len(self._upd_hex_list) != 9: return self._updating_clr = False self.hex_color = self._upd_hex_list finally: self._updating_clr = False def _trigger_update_hex(self, text): if self._updating_clr: return self._updating_clr = True self._upd_hex_list = text ev = self._update_hex_ev if ev is None: ev = self._update_hex_ev = Clock.create_trigger(self._update_hex) ev() def set_color(self, color): self._updating_clr = True if len(color) == 3: self.color[:3] = color else: self.color = color self._updating_clr = False def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._updating_clr = False super(ColorPicker, self).__init__(**kwargs)
if __name__ in ('__android__', '__main__'): from import App class ColorPickerApp(App): def build(self): cp = ColorPicker(pos_hint={'center_x': .5, 'center_y': .5}, size_hint=(1, 1)) return cp ColorPickerApp().run()