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Source code for kivy.core.text.markup

Text Markup

.. versionadded:: 1.1.0

.. versionchanged:: 1.10.1

    Added `font_context`, `font_features` and `text_language` (Pango only)

We provide a simple text-markup for inline text styling. The syntax look the
same as the `BBCode <>`_.

A tag is defined as ``[tag]``, and should have a corresponding
``[/tag]`` closing tag. For example::

    [b]Hello [color=ff0000]world[/color][/b]

The following tags are available:

    Activate bold text
    Activate italic text
    Underlined text
    Strikethrough text
    Change the font (note: this refers to a TTF file or registered alias)
    Change context for the font, use string value "none" for isolated context.
    Font family to request for drawing. This is only valid when using a
    font context, and takes precedence over `[font]`. See
    :class:`kivy.uix.label.Label` for details.
    OpenType font features, in CSS format, this is passed straight
    through to Pango. The effects of requesting a feature depends on loaded
    fonts, library versions, etc. Pango only, requires v1.38 or later.
    Change the font size. <size> should be an integer, optionally with a
    unit (i.e. ``16sp``)
    Change the text color
    Add an interactive zone. The reference + all the word box inside the
    reference will be available in :attr:`MarkupLabel.refs`
    Put an anchor in the text. You can get the position of your anchor within
    the text with :attr:`MarkupLabel.anchors`
    Display the text at a subscript position relative to the text before it.
    Display the text at a superscript position relative to the text before it.
    Language of the text, this is an RFC-3066 format language tag (as string),
    for example "en_US", "zh_CN", "fr" or "ja". This can impact font selection,
    metrics and rendering. For example, the same bytes of text can look
    different for `ur` and `ar` languages, though both use Arabic script.
    Use the string `'none'` to revert to locale detection. Pango only.

If you need to escape the markup from the current text, use

__all__ = ('MarkupLabel', )

import re
from import dpi2px
from kivy.parser import parse_color
from kivy.logger import Logger
from kivy.core.text import Label, LabelBase
from kivy.core.text.text_layout import layout_text, LayoutWord, LayoutLine
from copy import copy
from functools import partial

# We need to do this trick when documentation is generated
MarkupLabelBase = Label
if Label is None:
    MarkupLabelBase = LabelBase

[docs]class MarkupLabel(MarkupLabelBase): '''Markup text label. See module documentation for more informations. ''' def __init__(self, *largs, **kwargs): self._style_stack = {} self._refs = {} self._anchors = {} super(MarkupLabel, self).__init__(*largs, **kwargs) self._internal_size = 0, 0 self._cached_lines = [] @property def refs(self): '''Get the bounding box of all the ``[ref=...]``:: { 'refA': ((x1, y1, x2, y2), (x1, y1, x2, y2)), ... } ''' return self._refs @property def anchors(self): '''Get the position of all the ``[anchor=...]``:: { 'anchorA': (x, y), 'anchorB': (x, y), ... } ''' return self._anchors @property def markup(self): '''Return the text with all the markup splitted:: >>> MarkupLabel('[b]Hello world[/b]').markup >>> ('[b]', 'Hello world', '[/b]') ''' s = re.split(r'(\[.*?\])', self.label) s = [x for x in s if x != ''] return s def _push_style(self, k): if k not in self._style_stack: self._style_stack[k] = [] self._style_stack[k].append(self.options[k]) def _pop_style(self, k): if k not in self._style_stack or len(self._style_stack[k]) == 0: Logger.warning('Label: pop style stack without push') return v = self._style_stack[k].pop() self.options[k] = v
[docs] def render(self, real=False): options = copy(self.options) if not real: ret = self._pre_render() else: ret = self._render_real() self.options = options return ret
def _pre_render(self): # split markup, words, and lines # result: list of word with position and width/height # during the first pass, we don't care about h/valign self._cached_lines = lines = [] self._refs = {} self._anchors = {} clipped = False w = h = 0 uw, uh = self.text_size spush = self._push_style spop = self._pop_style options = self.options options['_ref'] = None options['_anchor'] = None options['script'] = 'normal' shorten = options['shorten'] # if shorten, then don't split lines to fit uw, because it will be # flattened later when shortening and broken up lines if broken # mid-word will have space mid-word when lines are joined uw_temp = None if shorten else uw xpad = options['padding_x'] uhh = (None if uh is not None and options['valign'] != 'top' or options['shorten'] else uh) options['strip'] = options['strip'] or options['halign'] == 'justify' find_base_dir = Label.find_base_direction base_dir = options['base_direction'] self._resolved_base_dir = None for item in self.markup: if item == '[b]': spush('bold') options['bold'] = True self.resolve_font_name() elif item == '[/b]': spop('bold') self.resolve_font_name() elif item == '[i]': spush('italic') options['italic'] = True self.resolve_font_name() elif item == '[/i]': spop('italic') self.resolve_font_name() elif item == '[u]': spush('underline') options['underline'] = True self.resolve_font_name() elif item == '[/u]': spop('underline') self.resolve_font_name() elif item == '[s]': spush('strikethrough') options['strikethrough'] = True self.resolve_font_name() elif item == '[/s]': spop('strikethrough') self.resolve_font_name() elif item[:6] == '[size=': item = item[6:-1] try: if item[-2:] in ('px', 'pt', 'in', 'cm', 'mm', 'dp', 'sp'): size = dpi2px(item[:-2], item[-2:]) else: size = int(item) except ValueError: raise size = options['font_size'] spush('font_size') options['font_size'] = size elif item == '[/size]': spop('font_size') elif item[:7] == '[color=': color = parse_color(item[7:-1]) spush('color') options['color'] = color elif item == '[/color]': spop('color') elif item[:6] == '[font=': fontname = item[6:-1] spush('font_name') options['font_name'] = fontname self.resolve_font_name() elif item == '[/font]': spop('font_name') self.resolve_font_name() elif item[:13] == '[font_family=': spush('font_family') options['font_family'] = item[13:-1] elif item == '[/font_family]': spop('font_family') elif item[:14] == '[font_context=': fctx = item[14:-1] if not fctx or fctx.lower() == 'none': fctx = None spush('font_context') options['font_context'] = fctx elif item == '[/font_context]': spop('font_context') elif item[:15] == '[font_features=': spush('font_features') options['font_features'] = item[15:-1] elif item == '[/font_features]': spop('font_features') elif item[:15] == '[text_language=': lang = item[15:-1] if not lang or lang.lower() == 'none': lang = None spush('text_language') options['text_language'] = lang elif item == '[/text_language]': spop('text_language') elif item[:5] == '[sub]': spush('font_size') spush('script') options['font_size'] = options['font_size'] * .5 options['script'] = 'subscript' elif item == '[/sub]': spop('font_size') spop('script') elif item[:5] == '[sup]': spush('font_size') spush('script') options['font_size'] = options['font_size'] * .5 options['script'] = 'superscript' elif item == '[/sup]': spop('font_size') spop('script') elif item[:5] == '[ref=': ref = item[5:-1] spush('_ref') options['_ref'] = ref elif item == '[/ref]': spop('_ref') elif not clipped and item[:8] == '[anchor=': options['_anchor'] = item[8:-1] elif not clipped: item = item.replace('&bl;', '[').replace( '&br;', ']').replace('&amp;', '&') if not base_dir: base_dir = self._resolved_base_dir = find_base_dir(item) opts = copy(options) extents = self.get_cached_extents() opts['space_width'] = extents(' ')[0] w, h, clipped = layout_text( item, lines, (w, h), (uw_temp, uhh), opts, extents, append_down=True, complete=False ) if len(lines): # remove any trailing spaces from the last line old_opts = self.options self.options = copy(opts) w, h, clipped = layout_text( '', lines, (w, h), (uw_temp, uhh), self.options, self.get_cached_extents(), append_down=True, complete=True ) self.options = old_opts self.is_shortened = False if shorten: options['_ref'] = None # no refs for you! options['_anchor'] = None w, h, lines = self.shorten_post(lines, w, h) self._cached_lines = lines # when valign is not top, for markup we layout everything (text_size[1] # is temporarily set to None) and after layout cut to size if too tall elif uh != uhh and h > uh and len(lines) > 1: if options['valign'] == 'bottom': i = 0 while i < len(lines) - 1 and h > uh: h -= lines[i].h i += 1 del lines[:i] else: # middle i = 0 top = int(h / 2. + uh / 2.) # remove extra top portion while i < len(lines) - 1 and h > top: h -= lines[i].h i += 1 del lines[:i] i = len(lines) - 1 # remove remaining bottom portion while i and h > uh: h -= lines[i].h i -= 1 del lines[i + 1:] # now justify the text if options['halign'] == 'justify' and uw is not None: # XXX: update refs to justified pos # when justify, each line should've been stripped already split = partial(re.split, re.compile('( +)')) uww = uw - 2 * xpad chr = type(self.text) space = chr(' ') empty = chr('') for i in range(len(lines)): line = lines[i] words = line.words # if there's nothing to justify, we're done if (not line.w or int(uww - line.w) <= 0 or not len(words) or line.is_last_line): continue done = False parts = [None, ] * len(words) # contains words split by space idxs = [None, ] * len(words) # indices of the space in parts # break each word into spaces and add spaces until it's full # do first round of split in case we don't need to split all for w in range(len(words)): word = words[w] sw = word.options['space_width'] p = parts[w] = split(word.text) idxs[w] = [v for v in range(len(p)) if p[v].startswith(' ')] # now we have the indices of the spaces in split list for k in idxs[w]: # try to add single space at each space if line.w + sw > uww: done = True break line.w += sw word.lw += sw p[k] += space if done: break # there's not a single space in the line? if not any(idxs): continue # now keep adding spaces to already split words until done while not done: for w in range(len(words)): if not idxs[w]: continue word = words[w] sw = word.options['space_width'] p = parts[w] for k in idxs[w]: # try to add single space at each space if line.w + sw > uww: done = True break line.w += sw word.lw += sw p[k] += space if done: break # if not completely full, push last words to right edge diff = int(uww - line.w) if diff > 0: # find the last word that had a space for w in range(len(words) - 1, -1, -1): if not idxs[w]: continue break old_opts = self.options self.options = word.options word = words[w] # split that word into left/right and push right till uww l_text = empty.join(parts[w][:idxs[w][-1]]) r_text = empty.join(parts[w][idxs[w][-1]:]) left = LayoutWord( word.options, self.get_extents(l_text)[0], word.lh, l_text ) right = LayoutWord( word.options, self.get_extents(r_text)[0], word.lh, r_text ) left.lw = max(left.lw, word.lw + diff - right.lw) self.options = old_opts # now put words back together with right/left inserted for k in range(len(words)): if idxs[k]: words[k].text = empty.join(parts[k]) words[w] = right words.insert(w, left) else: for k in range(len(words)): if idxs[k]: words[k].text = empty.join(parts[k]) line.w = uww w = max(w, uww) self._internal_size = w, h if uw: w = uw if uh: h = uh if h > 1 and w < 2: w = 2 if w < 1: w = 1 if h < 1: h = 1 return int(w), int(h) def render_lines(self, lines, options, render_text, y, size): xpad = options['padding_x'] w = size[0] halign = options['halign'] refs = self._refs anchors = self._anchors base_dir = options['base_direction'] or self._resolved_base_dir auto_halign_r = halign == 'auto' and base_dir and 'rtl' in base_dir for layout_line in lines: # for plain label each line has only one str lw, lh = layout_line.w, layout_line.h x = xpad if halign == 'center': x = int((w - lw) / 2.) elif halign == 'right' or auto_halign_r: x = max(0, int(w - lw - xpad)) layout_line.x = x layout_line.y = y psp = pph = 0 for word in layout_line.words: options = self.options = word.options # the word height is not scaled by line_height, only lh was wh = options['line_height'] * word.lh # calculate sub/super script pos if options['script'] == 'superscript': script_pos = max(0, psp if psp else self.get_descent()) psp = script_pos pph = wh elif options['script'] == 'subscript': script_pos = min(lh - wh, ((psp + pph) - wh) if pph else (lh - wh)) pph = wh psp = script_pos else: script_pos = (lh - wh) / 1.25 psp = pph = 0 if len(word.text): render_text(word.text, x, y + script_pos) # should we record refs ? ref = options['_ref'] if ref is not None: if ref not in refs: refs[ref] = [] refs[ref].append((x, y, x + word.lw, y + wh)) # Should we record anchors? anchor = options['_anchor'] if anchor is not None: if anchor not in anchors: anchors[anchor] = (x, y) x += word.lw y += lh return y
[docs] def shorten_post(self, lines, w, h, margin=2): ''' Shortens the text to a single line according to the label options. This function operates on a text that has already been laid out because for markup, parts of text can have different size and options. If :attr:`text_size` [0] is None, the lines are returned unchanged. Otherwise, the lines are converted to a single line fitting within the constrained width, :attr:`text_size` [0]. :params: `lines`: list of `LayoutLine` instances describing the text. `w`: int, the width of the text in lines, including padding. `h`: int, the height of the text in lines, including padding. `margin` int, the additional space left on the sides. This is in addition to :attr:`padding_x`. :returns: 3-tuple of (xw, h, lines), where w, and h is similar to the input and contains the resulting width / height of the text, including padding. lines, is a list containing a single `LayoutLine`, which contains the words for the line. ''' def n(line, c): ''' A function similar to text.find, except it's an iterator that returns successive occurrences of string c in list line. line is not a string, but a list of LayoutWord instances that we walk from left to right returning the indices of c in the words as we encounter them. Note that the options can be different among the words. :returns: 3-tuple: the index of the word in line, the index of the occurrence in word, and the extents (width) of the combined words until this occurrence, not including the occurrence char. If no more are found it returns (-1, -1, total_w) where total_w is the full width of all the words. ''' total_w = 0 for w in range(len(line)): word = line[w] if not word.lw: continue f = partial(word.text.find, c) i = f() while i != -1: self.options = word.options yield w, i, total_w + self.get_extents(word.text[:i])[0] i = f(i + 1) self.options = word.options total_w += self.get_extents(word.text)[0] yield -1, -1, total_w # this should never be reached, really def p(line, c): ''' Similar to the `n` function, except it returns occurrences of c from right to left in the list, line, similar to rfind. ''' total_w = 0 offset = 0 if len(c) else 1 for w in range(len(line) - 1, -1, -1): word = line[w] if not word.lw: continue f = partial(word.text.rfind, c) i = f() while i != -1: self.options = word.options yield (w, i, total_w + self.get_extents(word.text[i + 1:])[0]) if i: i = f(0, i - offset) else: if not c: self.options = word.options yield (w, -1, total_w + self.get_extents(word.text)[0]) break self.options = word.options total_w += self.get_extents(word.text)[0] yield -1, -1, total_w # this should never be reached, really def n_restricted(line, uw, c): ''' Similar to the function `n`, except it only returns the first occurrence and it's not an iterator. Furthermore, if the first occurrence doesn't fit within width uw, it returns the index of whatever amount of text will still fit in uw. :returns: similar to the function `n`, except it's a 4-tuple, with the last element a boolean, indicating if we had to clip the text to fit in uw (True) or if the whole text until the first occurrence fitted in uw (False). ''' total_w = 0 if not len(line): return 0, 0, 0 for w in range(len(line)): word = line[w] f = partial(word.text.find, c) self.options = word.options extents = self.get_cached_extents() i = f() if i != -1: ww = extents(word.text[:i])[0] if i != -1 and total_w + ww <= uw: # found and it fits return w, i, total_w + ww, False elif i == -1: ww = extents(word.text)[0] if total_w + ww <= uw: # wasn't found and all fits total_w += ww continue i = len(word.text) # now just find whatever amount of the word does fit e = 0 while e != i and total_w + extents(word.text[:e])[0] <= uw: e += 1 e = max(0, e - 1) return w, e, total_w + extents(word.text[:e])[0], True return -1, -1, total_w, False def p_restricted(line, uw, c): ''' Similar to `n_restricted`, except it returns the first occurrence starting from the right, like `p`. ''' total_w = 0 if not len(line): return 0, 0, 0 for w in range(len(line) - 1, -1, -1): word = line[w] f = partial(word.text.rfind, c) self.options = word.options extents = self.get_cached_extents() i = f() if i != -1: ww = extents(word.text[i + 1:])[0] if i != -1 and total_w + ww <= uw: # found and it fits return w, i, total_w + ww, False elif i == -1: ww = extents(word.text)[0] if total_w + ww <= uw: # wasn't found and all fits total_w += ww continue # now just find whatever amount of the word does fit s = len(word.text) - 1 while s >= 0 and total_w + extents(word.text[s:])[0] <= uw: s -= 1 return w, s, total_w + extents(word.text[s + 1:])[0], True return -1, -1, total_w, False textwidth = self.get_cached_extents() uw = self.text_size[0] if uw is None: return w, h, lines old_opts = copy(self.options) uw = max(0, int(uw - old_opts['padding_x'] * 2 - margin)) chr = type(self.text) ssize = textwidth(' ') c = old_opts['split_str'] line_height = old_opts['line_height'] xpad, ypad = old_opts['padding_x'], old_opts['padding_y'] dir = old_opts['shorten_from'][0] # flatten lines into single line line = [] last_w = 0 for l in range(len(lines)): # concatenate (non-empty) inside lines with a space this_line = lines[l] if last_w and this_line.w and not this_line.line_wrap: line.append(LayoutWord(old_opts, ssize[0], ssize[1], chr(' '))) last_w = this_line.w or last_w for word in this_line.words: if word.lw: line.append(word) # if that fits, just return the flattened line lw = sum([word.lw for word in line]) if lw <= uw: lh = max([word.lh for word in line] + [0]) * line_height self.is_shortened = False return ( lw + 2 * xpad, lh + 2 * ypad, [LayoutLine(0, 0, lw, lh, 1, 0, line)] ) elps_opts = copy(old_opts) if 'ellipsis_options' in old_opts: elps_opts.update(old_opts['ellipsis_options']) # Set new opts for ellipsis self.options = elps_opts # find the size of ellipsis that'll fit elps_s = textwidth('...') if elps_s[0] > uw: # even ellipsis didn't fit... self.is_shortened = True s = textwidth('..') if s[0] <= uw: return ( s[0] + 2 * xpad, s[1] * line_height + 2 * ypad, [LayoutLine( 0, 0, s[0], s[1], 1, 0, [LayoutWord(old_opts, s[0], s[1], '..')])] ) else: s = textwidth('.') return ( s[0] + 2 * xpad, s[1] * line_height + 2 * ypad, [LayoutLine( 0, 0, s[0], s[1], 1, 0, [LayoutWord(old_opts, s[0], s[1], '.')])] ) elps = LayoutWord(elps_opts, elps_s[0], elps_s[1], '...') uw -= elps_s[0] # Restore old opts self.options = old_opts # now find the first left and right words that fit w1, e1, l1, clipped1 = n_restricted(line, uw, c) w2, s2, l2, clipped2 = p_restricted(line, uw, c) if dir != 'l': # center or right line1 = None if clipped1 or clipped2 or l1 + l2 > uw: # if either was clipped or both don't fit, just take first if len(c): self.options = old_opts old_opts['split_str'] = '' res = self.shorten_post(lines, w, h, margin) self.options['split_str'] = c self.is_shortened = True return res line1 = line[:w1] last_word = line[w1] last_text = last_word.text[:e1] self.options = last_word.options s = self.get_extents(last_text) line1.append(LayoutWord(last_word.options, s[0], s[1], last_text)) elif (w1, e1) == (-1, -1): # this shouldn't occur line1 = line if line1: line1.append(elps) lw = sum([word.lw for word in line1]) lh = max([word.lh for word in line1]) * line_height self.options = old_opts self.is_shortened = True return ( lw + 2 * xpad, lh + 2 * ypad, [LayoutLine(0, 0, lw, lh, 1, 0, line1)] ) # now we know that both the first and last word fit, and that # there's at least one instances of the split_str in the line if (w1, e1) != (w2, s2): # more than one split_str if dir == 'r': f = n(line, c) # iterator assert next(f)[:-1] == (w1, e1) # first word should match ww1, ee1, l1 = next(f) while l2 + l1 <= uw: w1, e1 = ww1, ee1 ww1, ee1, l1 = next(f) if (w1, e1) == (w2, s2): break else: # center f = n(line, c) # iterator f_inv = p(line, c) # iterator assert next(f)[:-1] == (w1, e1) assert next(f_inv)[:-1] == (w2, s2) while True: if l1 <= l2: ww1, ee1, l1 = next(f) # hypothesize that next fit if l2 + l1 > uw: break w1, e1 = ww1, ee1 if (w1, e1) == (w2, s2): break else: ww2, ss2, l2 = next(f_inv) if l2 + l1 > uw: break w2, s2 = ww2, ss2 if (w1, e1) == (w2, s2): break else: # left line1 = [elps] if clipped1 or clipped2 or l1 + l2 > uw: # if either was clipped or both don't fit, just take last if len(c): self.options = old_opts old_opts['split_str'] = '' res = self.shorten_post(lines, w, h, margin) self.options['split_str'] = c self.is_shortened = True return res first_word = line[w2] first_text = first_word.text[s2 + 1:] self.options = first_word.options s = self.get_extents(first_text) line1.append(LayoutWord(first_word.options, s[0], s[1], first_text)) line1.extend(line[w2 + 1:]) elif (w1, e1) == (-1, -1): # this shouldn't occur line1 = line if len(line1) != 1: lw = sum([word.lw for word in line1]) lh = max([word.lh for word in line1]) * line_height self.options = old_opts self.is_shortened = True return ( lw + 2 * xpad, lh + 2 * ypad, [LayoutLine(0, 0, lw, lh, 1, 0, line1)] ) # now we know that both the first and last word fit, and that # there's at least one instances of the split_str in the line if (w1, e1) != (w2, s2): # more than one split_str f_inv = p(line, c) # iterator assert next(f_inv)[:-1] == (w2, s2) # last word should match ww2, ss2, l2 = next(f_inv) while l2 + l1 <= uw: w2, s2 = ww2, ss2 ww2, ss2, l2 = next(f_inv) if (w1, e1) == (w2, s2): break # now add back the left half line1 = line[:w1] last_word = line[w1] last_text = last_word.text[:e1] self.options = last_word.options s = self.get_extents(last_text) if len(last_text): line1.append(LayoutWord(last_word.options, s[0], s[1], last_text)) line1.append(elps) # now add back the right half first_word = line[w2] first_text = first_word.text[s2 + 1:] self.options = first_word.options s = self.get_extents(first_text) if len(first_text): line1.append(LayoutWord(first_word.options, s[0], s[1], first_text)) line1.extend(line[w2 + 1:]) lw = sum([word.lw for word in line1]) lh = max([word.lh for word in line1]) * line_height self.options = old_opts if uw < lw: self.is_shortened = True return ( lw + 2 * xpad, lh + 2 * ypad, [LayoutLine(0, 0, lw, lh, 1, 0, line1)] )